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Since the day that Jimin walked into Yoongi's house, his world hasn't been the same. He found out that Jimin was only two years younger than him and not actually a 6-year-old. He thought he'd present as a Beta, but instead two years after he got a new little brother to raise alone, he presented as an Alpha. His Alpha has been trying to claim Jimin ever since, but he can't, the younger is still a pup. His only saving grace is that Jimin should present as a Beta. The odds of two Beta's having a pup present as either an Alpha or an Omega is very very rare. Yoongi is literally the only one he's ever met that it's happened to.

He has no idea what he'd do if Jimin presented as an Omega. The day before Jimin turned 15, his Alpha was agitated and he couldn't figure out why. Meanwhile, Yoongi was annoyed because all of his stuff was going missing. His dirty sheets, dirty clothes, and even his towels. But he had to get to his music lesson so he yelled down the hall to let Jimin know he was leaving and that he'd be back in a few hours. His Alpha fought him on leaving, but it took him years to convince his father to pay for these piano lessons and he wasn't going to miss them.

When he came home a few hours later, he realized just why his Alpha was fighting him all day. As soon as the door opened, the scent of the sweetest marshmallows in the world hit his nose. His eyes glowed red and a low growl left his throat. "Omega," was all he said. But it was enough for Jimin to hear and whine out Alpha.

Yoongi stalked towards where the smell was coming from, his Alpha rumbling at the fact that his scent was very strong in the air as well. When he opened the door, he found all of his missing items from the past few days. There on top of Jimin's bed was the prettiest nest he'd ever seen and his Omega staring at him with bright blue eyes.

"Alpha," he whined as he reached out for Yoongi, "it hurts."

 The Alpha snapped to attention, running around to grab all the necessary items. It wasn't easy, Jimin cried for him the entire two minutes he was gone. But he grabbed everything he needed and headed back to Jimin, "may I enter your nest?"

Jimin didn't even answer him, he just reached up and grabbed the front of Yoongi's shirt and pulled. Causing him to fall right into the nest next to Jimin. All the items he brought falling on the ground or in the nest. But Jimin didn't care and soon Yoongi didn't either. Jimin was purring as he scented Yoongi, "smell so good Alpha."

His fists were clenched on either side of him, trying to keep his hands away from Jimin. He wanted to touch him so badly, but he couldn't. They didn't talk about any of this before he presented and he'd never do that to his baby. Jimin was whimpering with every move Yoongi made. "I'm here baby. I'm not going anywhere."

"What are we going to do?"

What were they going to do? His Alpha snorted telling him that they were going to mate their Omega that's what. Yoongi ignored him since that was the least helpful advice in the world. "I'll protect you, I promise. I'm here, you have me."

Jimin was freaking out, he's an Omega. Just like he's always wanted, but the issue is now, he's an Omega who is in love with his stepbrother, an Alpha. It's everything he's ever wanted, and everything he can never have. He wanted to cry so hard, all he's ever wanted was to be loved by an Alpha of his own. And he's found one, the perfect one and they can never be together. 

He knew his scent was turning sour when Yoongi started to rumble and rub his back more. "Baby talk to me." That just caused Jimin to stress out even more. He got up and ran to Yoongi's room, when he presented as an Alpha he put a lock on his door and Jimin never understood why. But right now, he was thankful for it. He buried himself in Yoongi's blankets, the only ones he didn't steal for his nest.

It wasn't as good as his nest but it smelled more like Yoongi so that settled him a bit. But his Omega was in distress about leaving their Alpha. He didn't understand why Jimin would willingly leave his nest and Alpha behind. He heard banging on the door but he didn't answer, he just whimpered a bit and curled himself into as small of a ball as he could. He was safe here, in his Alpha's den. He could ride out the rest of his presentation there.

Yoongi was stalking back and forth in front of his door, his Omega wasn't answering and the scent of distress was in the air. His Alpha kept telling him to get in there and claim him, that their Omega needed them. "Baby, I need to know that you are okay in there?"

Nothing, not a peep. He was starting to really panic, he could break down the door but that could traumatize Jimin so he was absolutely not going to do that. He slid down the door, his head in his hand as he held back a sob. He needed in there, but he couldn't. Jimin willingly left the comfort of his nest to run from him. An Omega NEVER does that and Jimin did. So he can't go in there, he's already ruined his presentation thus far.

Jimin has never been in the amount of pain he was in right now. Not when he was starving or a punching bag for his mother. His stomach was in more than knots, his head was pounding and his body felt like it was on fire. He needed something but he didn't know what it was. He wanted Yoongi but he was so scared, so scared to break the delusion he's held onto since the first day he saw him.

He'll never forget the day that they met, he was so tired and hungry. He was wearing clothes that hadn't fit in years and he smelled like hot garbage in an alleyway. Jimin was embarrassed, but more than that he was scared. Scared that this new home was going to be worse than his last one. His mother never cared about it, the only time she ever paid any attention to him was when she was screaming at him or hitting him. He was a good boy, he never did anything wrong and yet it was never enough.

He saw the beautiful boy standing in front of him, he looked so nice like he could be a real friend. But then their parents left them and he didn't know what to do. He curled into himself, yes he knew he smelled. He didn't need his new brother telling him that. But what was he supposed to do, his mother never bought him anything and she kept her door locked at all times so he couldn't sneak in and use her stuff. He'd been made fun of enough at school. 

But then his new brother smiled and wrapped his arms around him and helped him shower. He gave him clothes and fed him. He hugged him and let Jimin cuddle with him as much as he wanted. And when he presented as an Alpha, Jimin went a little insane. The chocolate scent that he'd always associated with Yoongi was so much stronger and Yoongi wasn't helping the situation at all. He scented Jimin within an inch of his life daily, sometimes multiple times a day in fact.

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