The Iron Tombs Pt. VI

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"Roaaarrrr!" The Taragree tried to escape but couldn't.

"Veer, you need to stay back now, go fight that thing, you were right, you are the only person who can take it down." I looked at Helen confused. "Alacryans are here, and they are controlling the mana beast inside of the tunnel, everything here was planned." I looked into the tunnel as different colored spells were going off.

I nodded my head, there was Alacryans in the tunnel, if everything here was planned, does that me we have a traitor in our midst. I formed wind, fire, water, and ice magic all over my body as I kept up my phase two and got ready to attack the Taragree. "I'll handle things here, then make my way into the tunnel." Helen shot me a disapproving look. "At this point, Helen, you need me." I could feel our soldiers dropping like flies, all the Twin Horns except for Helen were in the back trying to get to the front, and my team, my team was in the middle sort of.

Samantha was okay, I could feel her moving, but something felt wrong with Victoria, she was standing still doing nothing, like she was hiding out in the wall of the tunnel. Callias was in the back still, following the Twin Horns.

Like I was shot out of a rocket, I made my way to the Taragree and swung my sword and cut right through its arm, its armor completely useless against the force of my attack, and the arm fell to the ground causing blood to gush out of it. I landed on the ground and the Taragree stood back up, and attempted to stomp on me while I was underneath him.

I used wind to push me side to side, as I dodged his attacks one after another. I raised my hand and ice spikes grew into its feet; however, those weren't powerful enough to break the armor. My sword seemed fine; I don't think it will break if I attack again.

The Taragree stopped its attack, and just stared down at me with its blue eyes that were gigantic. I pointed my sword at the beast, and created illusions all around it, multiple copies of myself, hiding me, as I started to push water mana into its bloody arm.

I started moving my illusions all around it, each one using wind magic to dodge any attack the beast might through at it. I focused on more and more water mana flowing into it. The Taragree started swinging its only arm at my illusions as I stayed on the ground watching, but still moving.

The Flukets heading to the tunnel still avoided me, but for their safety I killed a few as they ran by me, scared of my aura. "Roooaaarrr!" The Taragree continued to roar as it swung through my illusions making zero contact with nothing. Was this thing just a brute? It hasn't used any sort of magic yet on me, as I thought about it, I knew I just jinxed myself.

Earth spikes grew from the ground under me, and I jumped to the side using wind magic and landed on another spike growing. All around the Taragree spikes grew like it was creating a new terrain to fight on, it even impaled the dead bodies of the Flukets. I hung onto the spike until it stopped, and I looked up at the Taragree, I needed more water mana to get inside of it.

I noticed that right underneath the beast there weren't any spikes, so I whirled around and landed right underneath it. The Taragree went to slam its foot right on me, but I stopped it in midair before it could, then launched myself at the other leg with the force of all my elements coursing through me again and slit the achilles of the beast making it topple over onto one knee.

I spun around and was met with a hand coming at me, luckily, I held it in place using blood magic, and used wind magic to push myself away from it. I then created more illusions of myself and hid within.

The time was now, I could feel the water mana coursing through its body, I needed to spread it out just a little more before I could use it though. I made sure everyone was alright in the tunnel, and it seemed like the Twin Horns got to the front line and started holding them back.

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