Fire, Blood, and Curses

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(One Week Later)

I brought my blood sword, which I made solid as a rock, and sliced the head off of a golem Wren made. I dodged a sword, a golem swung at me from behind, and as I did, I pushed myself off the ground using wind magic flipping over another golem. I landed on my feet and conjured a giant ball of blue fire, and launched it at a pack of golems, destroying them all.

Three golems came running at me, and I raised ice out of the round, blocking their path. I could see through the ice, and as they got ready to swing down on the ice, I shot myself over the wall. I formed three small balls of fire and shot one at each one of the golems.

The fire collided with them and caused a loud explosion as they shattered to the ground. I brought my sword up, blocking an ax to my face. I held my sword against the ax as the golem pushed down on me, then had my blood sword extend through the skull of the golem.

I couldn't rip the blood out of these, since they were Wren's creations. I was surrounded by maybe six of them now, and I built up fire mana in my body, then released it, sending blue fire in all directions, melting the golems.

I had my sword liquify and started moving the blood around me, and whenever a golem took a step toward me. I shot a blood particle at its head, killing it, eventually after a certain number of kills, all the golems crumbled to dust. I pulled the blood back to me and placed it in the tube I had.

Wren popped up at of nowhere and started to clap his hands. "Impressive, truly, your blood magic is too strong for these golems, but while watching you I came up with a brilliant idea."

"Oh, did you?" I looked at him, waiting for this brilliant idea. I was still unable to perform blood cloning, so I didn't know if adding another spell to learn was smart.

"Well, you are very talented with fire and blood magic, have you ever tried to combine the two?" He asked me intently, he pointed at the tube in my hands. "On battlefields, blood is everywhere, I know you can control it, and use it as weapons, but what if you were to set the blood on fire."

"I could see why that could be a good idea, but I would be setting our own soldiers on fire as well." I understand where he was going with this, it just wouldn't be useful, it did remind of something though.

"Yes, obviously, you would control who the fire burns, using your blood magic to control where it goes." Wren seemed pretty proud of this idea for some reason. "You could also use it to set blood on fire inside of peoples bodies."

"Ha." I laughed, and he shot me a questioning look.

"Why are you laughing from that idea?" He asked me.

"It reminds me of something." The spell was like Soul Fire the Vritra bloods can use.

"And what is that?" Wren had a curious look on his face. "Actually, never mind, if you are able to get fire inside of someone, instead of just ripping out the blood, you could burn them from the inside out, giving them no chance to live."

"Wouldn't ripping the blood out be easier?" It would be better if I had Soul Fire, it would make things a lot easier.

"You can't rip the blood out of me." He said simply. "But that doesn't mean you can't burn my blood, there would be little I could do."

"What? Are you telling me how to kill a god basically?" I was kind of shocked by this proposal of his now.

"It's not like I'm going to let you just burn my blood, it would take a lot more to kill us Asuras, but the Retainers and Scythes, it could work on them." Like a lightbulb turned on inside of his head, Wren started to pace the room like he did when he thought of something and needed to process how it worked. "This could actually lead to some sort of blood curse, we could combine fire, blood, water, and purified mana into one spell, then if you were to get it into someone, you would be able to activate it whenever you wanted."

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