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Daily quotes :
" The people that are supposed to protect us fail us the most "

Jimin couldn’t shake the question that had been gnawing at him: why would Jungkook, someone he barely knew, care enough to help him? It didn’t matter in the end; Jimin had learned long ago that getting too close to anyone only led to disappointment.

He preferred to keep his distance, to stay unnoticed and untouched by the chaos swirling around him.

The late afternoon sun was casting a warm, golden glow over the city as he walked home.

He paused for a moment, gazing up at the bright sky, almost mesmerized by the beauty he could never seem to reach.

It seemed unfair, how the world could look so peaceful while he felt so restless and fractured inside.

The vibrant warmth touched everything around him, but it left his heart untouched, as cold and numb as it had always been.

When he finally stepped inside his house, silence greeted him like an old, familiar companion.

He moved carefully, trying not to disturb the stillness, as if a single wrong step might shatter the delicate balance that held his fragile world together.

He slipped into his room, a tiny, dim space filled with the lingering scent of old memories.

Here, he was safe—at least, as safe as he could ever be.

He changed out of his school clothes, pulling on a worn sweater and jeans.

His stomach growled, but he ignored it, as he had for days.

Hunger was an old friend now, a dull ache that he’d grown accustomed to.

Food felt like a luxury he didn’t deserve, something that might weigh him down and make him even more vulnerable.

He wasn’t sure why he kept himself on edge like this, but the empty feeling somehow made him feel lighter, like he could float away and leave all of this behind.

As night fell, he slipped out to his job at the small, rundown clinic where he worked.

The work was monotonous, and he moved through the hours in a daze, barely aware of the world around him.

He went through the motions, cleaning, organizing, and earning just enough to keep his father’s anger at bay.

When he returned home, he left the crumpled bills on the table, a silent offering he hoped would buy him a few moments of peace.

But as he turned to retreat to his room, he heard it—the familiar, gut-wrenching sounds of violence echoing through the house.

His stepmother’s cries filled the air, sharp and desperate, and he felt a flicker of something deep in his chest.

He knew that pain, knew it far too well, but now it barely touched him.

He had built walls around his heart, and he refused to let anything break through.

He slipped into his room, shutting the door against the noise, and put on his headphones.

The soft hum of music filled his ears, and he let it wash over him, drowning out the chaos beyond his door.

He lay back, closing his eyes, letting himself drift, hoping for a moment of peace.

But that peace was shattered when a frantic knocking jarred him from his thoughts.

He opened the door to find his stepmother kneeling before him, her face streaked with tears, her hands reaching for him in a desperate plea.

“Please, help me,” she sobbed, her voice raw and broken.

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