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Daily quotes
"We are haunted by the thing we refuse to accept "

Jungkook blinked multiple times, struggling to comprehend his surroundings.

Was he dead? Was he in hell? No, he realised; he was in a hospital.

He sat up abruptly, panic gripping him.

"Jimin," he exclaimed, frantically searching for a doctor or anyone who could provide information.

His head throbbed with pain as he tried to move, prompting Taehyung, with sorrow and swollen eyes, to enter and sit beside him. "I... I'm sorry," he stammered, patting Jungkook's shoulder.

"Where is Jimin?" Jungkook asked, a growing sense of worry consuming him.

Taehyung remained silent, leaving Jungkook in an agonising state of anticipation.

"Answer me! Where is Jimin?" he shouted, frustration and anger boiling within him.

"H-he is gone," Taehyung finally said. Jungkook's laughter bubbled up, unable to accept reality.

"If that's a joke, it's not nice," he protested weakly, but Taehyung's serious expression shattered his hope.

"You're joking, right?" he pleaded, the laughter dying down, replaced by disbelief. "No, Jungkook, I am serious," Taehyung affirmed.

Jungkook struggled to process everything, denial clashing with the harsh truth.

"No, this is all an accident. My Jimin is alive!" he insisted, a nervous chuckle escaping him.

"Where are you going?" Taehyung inquired.

"To take Jimin home," Jungkook replied, a strained smile tugging at his lips as if he had lost all sanity.

"Jungkook, Jimin is gone! He's... he's dead!" Taehyung shouted, desperately trying to break through the denial.

"Shut up! Jimin is just waiting for me," Jungkook snapped, refusing to accept the heart-wrenching reality.

"JUNGKOOK, DON'T YOU GET IT? HE IS GONE FOR GOOD!" Taehyung's anguished scream tore through the air, tears streaming down his face.

Jungkook looked at him, collapsing to the floor, the harsh reality crashing over him.

"Jimin is dead," he whispered, the words echoing like a haunting melody in his mind.

It reverberated within him like a relentless drumbeat, and he couldn't hold back the flood of tears any longer.

"You don't... know anything. I'm going to find my Jimin by myself. Just shut up," Jungkook choked out, wiping away the tears as best as he could, his resolve set.

He got up, dashing out of his hospital room in his flimsy hospital gown.

Taehyung longed to hold him, to comfort him, but he knew Jungkook needed to face this on his own.

Maybe then, reality would pierce through the veil of denial.

Jungkook sprinted through the hospital corridors, desperately searching for Jimin's room.

He refused to believe that Jimin was truly gone, that he had left his side after promising to wake up.

He found the room and sat on the side chair, imploring Jimin to rise and go home. But Jimin didn't respond; he lay there, lifeless.

"Jimin, get up. We can go home," Jungkook pleaded, his voice breaking.

But there was no response—Jimin's once vibrant skin now pale and cold.

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