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Daily quotes
"life is under no obligation to give us what we want"

After calming himself, Jimin stood up, ready to leave.

“Thanks,” he muttered to Jungkook, unsure of what else to say.

Jungkook nodded in response, his gaze steady and, for the first time, softening with an unfamiliar look of concern.

For a moment, Jimin felt as though he were the focus of something far bigger than he understood, as though he’d unexpectedly become Jungkook’s responsibility.

“Yeah, don’t worry about me,” Jimin said, giving a small nod.

“And… let’s just keep our distance, alright? Nothing happened here.” He zipped up his jacket, feeling the need to create some space between himself and Jungkook, a living legend within the school.

Jungkook wasn’t just known around school—he was the school’s pride, a figure everyone knew by name and reputation.

He was a powerhouse both on and off the field, renowned for his record-breaking performances in track and field, basketball, swimming, and even martial arts.

He held trophies for first place in nearly every sport he participated in, and his athletic prowess had earned the school national attention.

But Jungkook’s reputation didn’t stop at sports.

He was a straight-A student, known for consistently ranking at the top of every academic subject, outscoring even the most dedicated of his peers.

He was a member of several academic clubs, and just last year, he had organized a student-led initiative to fundraise for new library resources, a project that earned him the school’s highest honor for community service.

He was the student government’s vice president, and as if that wasn’t enough, he led the school debate team to a national championship.

There were whispers that he had connections far beyond the classroom, with rumors swirling about his involvement in a secretive organization outside of school.

It was well-known among the students that Jungkook had earned the nickname “The King” for his influence and achievements.

Most were either intimidated or in awe of him.

Jimin had heard these stories but had always shrugged them off as something he’d never have to concern himself with.

He didn’t run in the same circles, after all.

Tonight, however, had changed everything.

“Hold on—it’s raining,” Jungkook pointed out as they reached the exit, gesturing toward the downpour outside.

Jimin’s face lit up at the sight, and without a second thought, he stepped into the rain, feeling a rare sense of liberation.

Closing his eyes, he tilted his head back, letting the cool drops soak his skin.

He felt like a weight had lifted, as though he could momentarily forget everything weighing him down.

Jungkook watched, amusement flickering in his eyes as he took in Jimin’s carefree reaction.

It was so different from the careful, reserved person he’d just met upstairs.

As Jimin spun and laughed, Jungkook couldn’t help but crack a smile.

“Jimin, you’re going to catch a cold,” he called out, but Jimin only laughed harder, casting Jungkook a playful look as he spun in the rain once more.

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