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Daily quotes:
"They'll always see you as weak prove them wrong . "

The man rose from his chair and enveloped Jimin in a hug, whispering, "Jimin, I have missed you, my son. Welcome back."

Jimin, still feeling the unease, looked at the man and stated, "I don't know you. Even if I did, I would recognize you, but you are so unfamiliar."

"Jimin, it's me," the man said, his voice cracking with emotion.

He showed Jimin a photo of them together-a baby Jimin in a bucket hat and tiny blue shorts, a striped t-shirt with a fish drawing, and building a sandcastle.

Another man stood beside him, holding a large fish and beaming at the camera.

Jimin's eyes filled with tears as he whispered, "Is it really you? Dad?"

Jungkook observed the unfolding scene, his eyes fixed on the man before them.

He tried to decipher the man's emotions, searching for any signs of deception.

As a photo of Jimin's dad hugging a younger Jungkook's father flashed before his eyes, he decided to push further.

"Mr. Park, do you remember Mr. Jeon?" Jungkook inquired, pointing to the photograph, attempting to gauge the man's reaction.

The man's expression twisted, and he redirected the conversation.

"Young man, you certainly have an inquisitive spirit," he deflected, avoiding the question.

Unwilling to back down, Jungkook pressed, sensing the man's discomfort. His intuition signalled that something was amiss.

The man's glare conveyed a plea not to delve into the matter at that moment, but Jungkook felt entitled to answers.

He recalled snippets from his father's conversations, hinting at a high school friend whose actions remained unforgivable.

Jungkook sought to unveil the truth and understand the reason for his father's lingering regret.

"Yes, I do," the man finally responded.

"But let's talk about this later. What are you doing here?"

"Asked the man, 'following my boyfriend, of course.' The man looked at Jungkook and burst out laughing.

'Boyfriend? What boyfriend, kid? You mean girlfriend?' The man didn't realize he was hitting a nerve with Jungkook.

'No, I said what I said-boyfriend,' Jungkook retorted.

The man stopped laughing and fixed him with a judgmental look. 'Out of this office. I will tolerate no nonsense.'

'Send me out too,' said Jimin, tears streaming down like a river.

The man turned his attention to Jimin, attempting to shush him.

'My dear son, don't worry. It's just that this bastard is gay,'

said the man, emphasising the word 'gay.'

Jimin pushed his father away, rushing to Jungkook and holding his hands.

He then screamed at his father,"you see this bastard is who i love, this gay is who i want to be with, and not a girl.

you just randomly marry me to a stranger, not thinking about my emotions.

you never did.

In reality, how can you be so heartless? We met after 20 years. after 20 good years.

and what is the first thing i hear? Is that because I am getting married? Come on, dad.

You left me when I was 4 years old. I was naive and innocent.

whatever you and mom argued about was not my fault.

but you never cared. you never gave two damns.

it was all about you! you! you! I hate you, I say with every part of me.

How could I be this stupid? all this while? Why was I so weak? you thought you could brainwash me.

I can't believe you tried to decide for me, to force my destiny.

I've learned to be strong on my own, to fight for what I want. I won't allow anyone to break my heart and my dreams.

your control over me is done, dad. i choose my path, my happiness. you won't be the one dictating it."

Jimin screamed at his dad.

He was angry, hurt, and betrayed.

He hugged Jungkook, clutching onto his shirt tightly, seeking comfort and solace.

Jungkook understood the maelstrom of emotions Jimin was going through.

He gently caressed his back, allowing him to let out the turmoil he held inside.

In the car, Jimin was silent, lost in his thoughts as he gazed out of the window. Jungkook could sense the storm brewing within him.

He parked in front of their house, breaking the heavy silence.

"Jimin, I'm so sorry," he whispered, his voice filled with remorse and understanding.

Inside their home, an oppressive silence weighed upon them.

The atmosphere was heavy with unspoken words and the weight of what had transpired.

Suddenly, breaking the silence, Jungkook said, "Jimin, I know where your mom is. She's not dead,"

the words cautious and gentle, as if testing the waters of Jimin's emotions.

Jimin's eyes widened, a whirlwind of shock and hope swirling within him. "What do you mean, Kook?" he asked, his voice a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

Taking a deep breath, Jungkook continued, "I overheard your dad talking to that man. He mentioned a possible location where your mom might be. We can find her and get some answers."

A rush of emotions flooded Jimin - hope, fear, longing. He wanted to know the truth, to understand his past and the mystery surrounding his mother's absence. But facing the unknown, facing his past, was a daunting prospect. He took a moment, breathing deeply, trying to steady his thoughts and make a decision.

Finally, he looked at Jungkook with determination. "Alright, let's find her. I need to know the truth, no matter how hard it may be."

917 words ~

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