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Daily quotes :

" you can't fully yourself if you refuse to open up ."

The weight of concern sat like a heavy stone on Jungkook's shoulders as morning arrived, a thick blanket of unease draping over him.

The soft morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow around the room, but it did little to alleviate the storm that raged within him.

He was torn, trapped in a silent battle between his desire to shield Jimin from more distress and the pressing need to reveal the truth of what he had discovered.

His heart clenched at the thought of burdening Jimin any further, the image of his love lost in the throes of yet another nightmare flashing through his mind.

He dreaded it—the possibility of Jimin’s already restless sleep being invaded by more terror, more sorrow.

With a heart weighed down by this internal struggle, Jungkook slowly made his way to the dining table.

His steps were heavy, mirroring the gravity of the decision he was about to make.

As he entered the room, his gaze immediately fell upon Jimin, who sat quietly at the table, lost in thought.

Jimin’s eyes were distant, his fingers absentmindedly pushing food around on his plate.

It was clear his mind was elsewhere, far from the breakfast in front of him.

Jungkook’s chest tightened at the sight. Anxiety gnawed at him, a growing fear for Jimin's well-being twisting like a knot in his stomach.

The past few days had been unbearable, watching Jimin's health deteriorate little by little.

His cheeks had lost their color, his eyes dull with exhaustion, and it had been four long days since Jimin had taken a proper meal.

Each skipped bite, each restless night brought Jungkook’s fears closer to the surface, the fear that Jimin might fall ill again looming larger with every passing hour.

The mere thought of it sent a chill down his spine, intensifying the turmoil inside him.

As Jungkook silently observed Jimin, the depth of his concern deepened.

It wrapped around him like a vice, tightening with every moment that passed.

He wanted nothing more than to protect Jimin, to keep him safe from the pain that seemed to be creeping into their lives.

But he knew, deep down, that secrets—no matter how well-intentioned—could fester.

And in this case, keeping what he had learned hidden could be just as damaging as the truth itself.

Especially if that truth was tied to Jimin’s safety.

The weight of responsibility pressed heavily on Jungkook’s heart, but it was that same weight that finally pushed him to make a decision.

Determination surged within him, pushing aside the apprehension and fear.

He had to tell Jimin about the woman, about the strange and troubling signs he had come across. E

ven if it meant confronting uncomfortable truths and navigating the storm of emotions that would surely follow, he couldn’t keep it hidden any longer.

Their love, their bond, was strong enough to carry them through, no matter how difficult the path ahead might be.

Jungkook took a seat at the table, his heart pounding in his chest as he studied Jimin’s face.

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