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Daily quotes :
" we all have the fear of losing someone again "

After four long months had passed, it seemed like all the trouble had finally come to an end.

Yet, Jungkook remained in a coma, and Jimin found himself crying himself to sleep, burdened by continuous self-blame.

It was a struggle to stay strong and withhold tears, no matter how hard he tried to be resilient for Jungkook.

He was only human, needing love and care, craving Jungkook's presence as his backbone.

Taehyung had taken on the role of caring for Jimin, ensuring he ate and providing support.

Jimin would often lock himself in his room, unwilling to speak to anyone, except when it was time to eat.

He yearned for Jungkook, longing to hear his voice and talk about his unpredictable mood swings and odd cravings.

Jimin pondered the possibility of being pregnant but hadn't mustered the courage to confirm it.

The bump on his stomach fueled his nervousness; what if Jungkook didn't want the baby, or worse, doubted its paternity?

In the midst of yet another bleak day, Jimin found solace in his room, weeping and clutching onto Jungkook's scent to feel closer to him.

Suddenly, Taehyung burst into the house, shouting and jumping excitedly, delivering the incredible news: "JIMIN, JUNGKOOK IS AWAKE!"

For the third time in four weeks, Jimin emerged from his room, racing down the stairs, disbelief washing over him.

He saw Jungkook, standing there with widened arms and a beautiful, bunny-like smile.

Jimin rubbed his eyes, as if trying to dispel a dream or a trick his brain played to comfort him.

But there was Jungkook, still smiling.

Jimin ran to him, tears of joy streaming down his face, and embraced him tightly.

"You are such a selfish jerk! I almost thought you had died. How could you do this to me?" he exclaimed, emotions overwhelming him.

Jungkook hugging Jimin, comforting him with soothing words, "Shhh, I am sorry."

Jungkook carefully observed Jimin, taking in the sight of his red, tired eyes and dishevelled hair, noting the significant weight loss.

"Have you been crying? Have you been starving yourself? You felt guilty, so you've been starving and crying, hm? Is it because of me?" he softly inquired, sorrow evident in his voice.

Jimin nodded, tears welling up again, hastily wiping them away.

"I'm sorry... I am very sorry," he murmured, embracing Jungkook once more.

A peculiar sensation caught Jungkook's attention as he hugged Jimin-a gentle poking against his chest.

Looking down, he noticed a small bump on Jimin's stomach.

"Jimin, is there something I should know about your stomach?" he asked, concerned with flickering in his eyes.

Jimin nervously scratched the back of his head, admitting, "I don't know... I think I am pregnant."

Jungkook stared at Jimin, trying to comprehend if this was a joke, while Jimin was a bundle of nerves, bursting into tears.

"I'm sorry if you don't want it. I can abort it. Maybe you don't want it. I can-" Jimin spoke rapidly, the words tumbling out, making it hard to grasp.

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