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Jungkook's POV:

Four years. Four freaking years I've admired him silently, from afar. And him? Well, he didn't have the faintest idea that someone named Jungkook even existed.

 I've always been the shy and introverted type, much like my hyung, hiding in corners under my black hoodie, away from prying eyes and drama. It felt safe that way, cocooned in my own world.Being his junior at school didn't help my cause either. 

He was the epitome of charisma – extroverted, goofy, smart, and effortlessly popular. Teachers adored him; students adulated him. It's been almost a decade since I last heard his melodic giggles echoing in the hallways or witnessed his infectious boxy smile lighting up the school canteen. Yet, his voice still resonates in my mind, his face a permanent fixture I refuse to forget.

Was I happy about marrying the same person? Yes, last night felt like a miracle, an unexpected twist that momentarily made life resemble a fairy tale. But now? Sitting in my father's opulent office, the air thick with discussions of Kim Enterprises, shares, and deals, I wonder if there's anything left to be happy about.

This isn't the marriage of teenage dreams, the one borne of love and mutual admiration, the kind you hope lasts a lifetime. It's not even a marriage at all. 

It's a transaction, a deal where I am a pawn.I'm more of a puppet than a son to my father. It's a role I've grown accustomed to, knowing all too well how he pulls strings to orchestrate his grand schemes. 

But what if Taehyung has become just like him? A shrewd businessman who knows how to leverage people to secure his objectives?

I hope not.

"Mr. Kim is here, Sir," my father's secretary announces, jolting me from my thoughts. Nervousness and anticipation surge through me in equal measure.

My father studies my jittery form with a critical eye, silently urging me to channel the demeanor of Jeon Hyun's son, not the introverted Jungkook who shies away from the spotlight.

The glass door swings open, and he enters. The moment he steps inside, a shift in the air is palpable. 

His presence fills the room, accompanied by the clean, crisp scent of freshly laundered clothes or the invigorating breeze off the ocean. It should be illegal to smell this good.

"Mr. Kim," my father greets warmly, extending a hand."Mr. Jeon," he replies with equal cordiality, their handshake brief but firm.

My God, his voice! When did it acquire this deep, commanding timbre?

"Meet my son, Jeon Jungkook," my father introduces, gesturing towards me.I snap out of my reverie as Taehyung fixes his gaze directly on me. 

Offering a tentative smile, I extend my hand towards him. I feel the weight of my father's scrutiny, assessing every nuance of our interaction.

Struggling to maintain composure, I manage, "Nice to meet you, Taehyung-ssi," my mind distracted by the electric sensation that courses through me at the touch of his hand. His fingers, adorned with delicate silver rings, except on the ring finger, feel warm and soft against mine.

"Likewise, Jungkook-ssi," he responds politely, releasing my hand."Please, have a seat," I invite, gesturing towards the chair beside me.He nods graciously, settling into the offered seat.

"So, Mr. Jeon, as you know, I'm here to discuss the contract and..." he pauses, glancing briefly in my direction, "...the marriage," he utters the word with a hint of disdain, as if it's an inconvenience thrust upon him.

The look he gives me – as if I'm the one who proposed this arrangement – prompts a mental scoff. His assumptions couldn't be further from the truth.

"Yeah, of course, Mr. Kim. I'll instruct my secretary to prepare the contract papers immediately," my father interjects, signaling for the secretary to proceed.

Engrossed in their business discourse, they delve into details that hold no interest for me. I've already endured enough of these discussions.

This distraction affords me the opportunity to steal glances at Taehyung's profile. Undoubtedly, he possesses an arresting appearance, but the transformation he's undergone is staggering. Taller now, and even more devastatingly handsome.

And those could I forget? The hue of blue in his lenses, neither too light nor too dark, is simply perfect. Then again, Kim Taehyung has always been the epitome of perfection.

As painful as it is to admit, neither his physical allure nor our shared history absolves him of his role in ensnaring me in this predicament.

Do I want to marry him? Honestly, who wouldn't be captivated by him? But not like this. Taehyung, I admired you so much. Perhaps I still do. Please, don't let this happen. Please, say no.

I silently implore, fully aware he cannot hear my thoughts.

Watching him closely, I detect something in his demeanor – a calculated restraint, a veneer of composure that belies any hint of spontaneity.

I should avert my gaze before I embarrass myself further, before I inadvertently provoke my father's ire.I cannot afford to give my father another reason to criticize or belittle me, to remind me that I'm a far cry from the perfect son he yearns for – one who embodies everything I am not.To him, the perfect son is my antithesis.Merely because I chose passion over the sterile pursuits of business, I've been branded a disgrace to the esteemed Jeon lineage.

Who am I kidding?I've unwittingly become the protagonist in their grand theatrical production of business intrigue.

"So, it's settled for next week," my father concludes, drawing my attention back to the present.Taehyung remains silent momentarily. I catch his muttered comment, "As if I have another option," before he nods curtly at my father and exits the office, paying me no heed.

From this meeting, I gleaned several lessons:

I remain as infatuated with him as I was years ago. He's changed considerably. To him, I am practically invisible. Great. I'll manage to survive this year just fine.

Author's note:

So how was it??
Their first meeting?

You want Tae's POV for this chapter or not? Let me know.

Andd...Wedding is here guys..😗
Okay one thing I wanna make clear.
I won't write whole wedding.
1- I suck at it.
2- I would rather keep it for another story where they fall in love first and then marry.. okay?

And Kook is not in love with Tae. Of course he is not bcz they never talked or met properly until now.

Let's see what happens next~

Any special scenes you want?
Suggestions are most welcome!

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