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Too short.. so sorry my pretty readernims..

I will make up for it in next chapter. Okay?


Author's POV:

"Good morning, Dad," Jungkook greeted, bowing slightly to his father.

"Jungkook, you're here, son," Jeon Hyun responded with a rare smile. "Come, sit," he gestured toward the couch in front of him.

Jungkook's unease grew at the sight of his father's smile. He glanced to his right and saw his mother, Aerum, already looking at him with sorrowful eyes. She knew. He rubbed his sweaty palms on his pants and sat down, forcing a smile.

"Yesterday, I offered the owner of Kim Enterprises a great deal," Jeon Hyun began, chuckling slightly. Jungkook's brow furrowed in confusion.Why is he telling me this? Jungkook wondered but nodded anyway, urging his father to continue."They were in dire need of financial support, so I offered to help them. In return," Jeon Hyun's smile widened, "the CEO of Kim Enterprises, Kim Taehyung, has to become my son-in-law."

Jungkook's mind went blank at the mention of that name. Kim Taehyung. It couldn't be the same Taehyung, could it? But the weight of his father's words—"son-in-law"—pulled him back to reality.

"But Dad, you already know Yoongi Hyung loves someone else. How could you do this to him?" Jungkook stood up, his voice firm, seeking support from his mother with a desperate look. Before she could speak, his father dropped another bombshell."Not for Yoongi, Jungkook. For you."

"What!?... But Dad, I—" Jungkook began to protest, but his father didn't waver.

"Tomorrow, you are coming with me to the office. He will be there, and you both can officially meet. The marriage is next week."

Jungkook turned to his mother, his eyes pleading. "Jagiya, at least—" Aerum tried to interject, but Hyun silenced her with a raised hand.

"It's just one year. You both don't have to act like I asked him to jump off a building," Jeon Hyun said, his tone final. Neither Jungkook nor Aerum dared to argue further.Jungkook stood up angrily and stormed out, leaving his mother deeply worried.

"I know your intentions well. You want to control that boy by bringing him into our house. I hope you don't succeed," Aerum said quietly before she too left the room.


As soon as Jungkook entered his room, he rushed to his side table, grabbed his phone, and quickly opened Google. 

His hands trembled as he typed, "CEO of Kim Enterprises" into the search bar, his heart pounding at the possibility.He placed his palm over his eyes, then peeked through his fingers as multiple images and a familiar name appeared on the screen. His eyes widened in shock as he zoomed in on one of the images

 His eyes widened in shock as he zoomed in on one of the images

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"Fuck, it's him. It's him. It's himmmm..." Jungkook shrieked, rolling on his bed with his phone clutched to his chest."Try not to die tomorrow, Jungkook... you're too young," he muttered to himself. 

He pulled his phone away, looked at the picture again, and squealed in disbelief.The fact that 'it's just a deal for one year' completely slipped from his mind.


Meanwhile, across Seoul, Taehyung was in his office, staring at his reflection in the large window, contemplating the upcoming arrangement. The city lights flickered in the distance, a stark contrast to the turmoil in his heart.

Taehyung sighed deeply, knowing that his life was about to change in ways he couldn't yet fathom. The thought of being tied to someone he barely knew, even for a year, was daunting. But for the sake of his company, he had no choice.

"Just one year," he whispered to himself, trying to find solace in the limited time frame.Little did he know, this year would bring about more than just a business deal—it would intertwine the fates of two very different souls in ways neither could have imagined.


Author's note:

Ready for their first encounter??

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