chapter 6

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(Demi's pov)
I stared through the glass at my sweet, sweet angel. "Joe." i said as he stood next to me. we watched her play with her teddy bear and talk to him. "Yeah dem?" he answered.

"Can you believe we created that?" I asked thinking out loud. Joe shook his head. "Not at all." he said coming up beside me and putting his arms around my waist.

I remember the day she was born.

few more hours later I was pushing. "come on Demi. I'm gonna count to 3 and u push as hard as u can." the doctor said. "1..." tears streamed down my face. "2..." my face was beat red. "3.." I stared down as I watched my daughter come out and Joe cut the cord. He kissed my lips. "I love you." he said. "I love you too." I said back.

(end of flashback)

We held her so long after that. We made her our world.

I stopped smoking, cutting, smoking weed, drinking, purging, starving myself... all for her.

Why did this all have to happen to my daughter? She's never done anything wrong. Never lied. Never cheated. Never disobeyed. She's literally the only perfect human being I know.

"Baby.." Joe said. "What's going on?" he asked. I shrugged. I couldn't share my thoughts right now.

"Well let's go in and see her. She missed you yesterday." Joe said. I nodded and walked into the door with her.

"hi baby." I said

She looked up from her toys, glad that I wasn't in my hospital clothes anymore.

"MOMMY!" She called. "I love you so much." she said.

I smiled and kissed her. "i love you too." I said.

Then we played with her teddy bear, her dolls, even Joe joined in.

Then she asked the question of death.

"When can I go home?" she asked.

me and Joe both froze. "We don't know baby." he took the bait for me.

"Well I don't like it here. I want to go home in my own bed, & my own clothes, & eat my own food." she pouted.

"Mommy and I will check and ask the doctor." Joe promised.

She sighed and went back to her dolls.

(Joes pov)

Later that night, Demi stayed at the hospital with me and Brooklyn. I went to find a doctor to discuss the current situation.

"Can I help you?" a nurse asked at the front desk.

I nodded. "hi, I need to speak with Dr. Laramie." I said.

"Okay, I'll contact his office." she said as she grabbed her phone and began punching in the extension.

"Hi Dr. Laramie. There's a guy here to see you. His name is.." she trailed off and waited for an answer.

"Joe Jonas. Brooklyn Jonas's dad." I said.

"Joe Jonas. He's been looking for you a while and he needs to speak with you." she said. "Alright. I'll let him know." she hung up.

"He can only do appointments. but he's freed up at 8 o clock tomorrow morning. If that's okay with you." she said.

I nodded.

"Great, I'll put it on my books." she said.

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