Chapter 16

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(Joe's pov)

I guess I'd forgotten how tiring it is to have a newborn in the house. Actually there was no guessing about that. I did forget. And raising a kindergartener at the same time, isn't any easier. Grant it, I don't have to go to school at the same time, but it's still tough.

Demi was sleeping, she needed it. After 3 weeks of nonstop taking care of the baby. So I was downstairs on baby duty.

"Daddy," Brooklyn said walking up to me with her backpack. "Can I look at sissy?" she asked. It was so cute how she always asked to just stare at Haven.

"Do you want to hold her?" I asked Brooklyn.

"Yes!" she said excitedly. I went over to the swing and picked Haven up.

Brooklyn sat with her back straight on the couch. "Hold your arms out." I said to her with a smile. And she did as I said.

I placed Haven in her arms gently and supported her head with my hand. Haven opened her eyes to look at Brooklyn and she started giggling.

"Ew daddy, her teeth are gone!" she said. I smiled and chuckled a bit. "She'll get them when she's bigger like you. You didn't have teeth when you were this little either." I told her.

"Do you remember when I was this little?" Brooklyn asked me. I smiled and nodded. "Of course! I remember it like it was just yesterday." I said.

Haven giggled at Brooklyn but then started to cry. "Okay daddy I'm done." Brooklyn said.

I picked Haven up and cradled her in my arms to get her to stop crying. "Try this daddy." Brooklyn said handing me her pacifier.

I smiled and put it in Haven's mouth. She immediately stopped crying. "Good thinking honey." I said giving her a high five with my free hand.

(Demi's pov)

The next day, Joe was with the girls again while Selena and I were working on wedding plans.

"So which colors do you think would be better? White and baby blue, or white and peach?" Selena asked. I looked at the color cards.

"Definitely white and peach." i said. She nodded and wrote it in the wedding planning book.

"What kind of cake should we have? I mean, I love red velvet but Nick likes vanilla." Selena said.

"Why don't you just get a cake maker to make both?" I suggested. Selena hugged me. "Dem, you're so smart." she said.

I laughed. "I think you're just stressing." I told her.

She pulled away. "Seriously though, I'm so glad you're my best friend and maid of honor. I don't really have a sister, but you're as close as it gets." she said.

It really touched my heart. And I smiled. "I'm honored that you picked me." I said.

I can't believe in about 10 years my daughters will be doing this for each other. I hope they'll grow to be close and best friends. Just like me and Selena.

"I know what you mean though Sel. You've been there for me since high school. Ever since Brooklyn was a baby and through everything I've been through. You're probably the only girl I like in the world besides my babies." I joked.

"We've come so far. Isn't it crazy that I'm getting married?" she asked. I nodded. "well, I am married." I said.

"So have you picked a date yet?" I asked her.

"Um, June 15th." Selena said. I gasp. "That's actually really soon." I told her. "Yeah, I need it to be." she said. "Why?" I asked.

She shrugged. "So uh, what about center pieces?" she asked. And that is how I knew she was hiding something from me. But I nodded and played along. "Do you want an ice sculpture?" I asked. She shook her head.

I needed to know what she was hiding though.

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