Chapter 24

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(Selena's pov)
"Selena, I have great news." my doctor said. It's been 5 months since I lost my hair. and 9 months since i found out I had cancer. I've been fighting and fighting. hopefully this works out.

"Your recent cat scans show ZERO active cancer cells." she told me. my eyes widened and I jumped up and hugged nick. "I did it. I beat it!!" I said.

That night, nick and I were so happy. we decided to go out. I also decided I wanted to tell him, about how I want to start a family.

"I'm so happy selena, I honestly feel like this huge weight has just been lifted off of my shoulders." Nick told me. I smiled. "Me too," I said. "But I want to talk to you about something." I said.

Nick grabbed my hand. "What is it?" he asked me. I took a deep breath and prepared to tell him.

(Joe's pov)

"So how was school today sweetie?" I asked Brooklyn. I twirled my fork around my spaghetti. I loved having family dinners. It made me feel so close to my family.

"It was good. I think I know what I want to do when I grow up!" Brooklyn said. "Really what's that?" Demi asked her. She looked up from feeding Haven her baby carrots.

"I want to be a dancer!" Brooklyn said confidently. "I'll be right back." she said jumping up and running to get her backpack.

She came back and pulled a piece of paper out and handed it to me. Dallas Dance Company. the flyer was an ad looking for young dance students aging 5 to 18.

"I want to do this daddy." Brooklyn said. "what is it?" Demi asked? "It's an ad for a dance studio that's taking students." I explained to her.

"We should sign her up." Demi said smiling. "Really mommy?" Brooklyn asked excitedly. I smiled at how happy Brooklyn was getting.

"Your mom will take you tomorrow." I said kissing her forehead and taking a bite of my spaghetti.

(Nick's pov)

"Nick, having cancer really showed me how short my life really is. And honestly, there is nothing I want more at the moment, than to finally start a family. I love kids, I love Demi's kids. I'm just.. I'm ready." Selena said to me.

I smiled. "That's great." I told her. truth be told, I was ready to start a family too. It would be great to have a little baby Selena or me walking around. "Honestly, I'm happy you want that. Because that's all I want to." I told her.

"Really?" she asked me. I nodded. Yes sweetheart." I told her. "Well, great! I'll call my doctor tomorrow and see what we can do." she told me.

I leaned across the table and kissed her face lightly. Thank god for this woman.

(Demi's pov)

i took a deep breath as I walked through the doors of Dallas Dance Company holding Brooklyn's hand and using my free arm to hold up Haven.

Both girls were dressed beautifully, and I tried to took my best too. I walked up to the counter to see a secretary sitting behind the counter. "Hello, can I help you?" the woman asked.

I smiled at her. "Yeah, I'd like to know how to sign up my daughter for some dance classes." I said. "Alright, how old is she?" the woman asked. "5." I answered her.

"Alright, I'm going to get our head dance coach. And we'll show you around. Then we're going to suggest some genres to sign up for." the woman informed me. "alright." i agreed.

"I'm Christy by the way. Can I get your name?" the woman asked. "Demi. Demi Jonas." I said shaking her hand.

"It's nice to meet you. And who are these cuties?" Christy asked smiling at the girls. "I'm Brooklyn. And this is my baby sister Haven. But she's not big enough to dance yet." Brooklyn said making Christy chuckle.

Christy led us down a long hallway. On the left side of the hallway it was basically all made of glass. It was completely filled with trophies and metals all titled #1 Dance School, Dance Company, Dancers, Choreography, etc. It made me a little nervous about what I was getting my daughter into.

"Hey Nadean. I have a mom who's looking to sign her daughter up for some classes." Christy told her.

Nadean is a bigger woman in about her mid-forties. From what I gathered she's trained many successful dancers and Broadway stars. All of her students go on to great things.

So after we introduced each other, Nadean took Brooklyn in the other room and they talked and she showed her some dance techniques.

Christy showed me around the building. They have 8 different rooms for 8 different genres. Each room has an upstairs for the parents to watch, 4 bathrooms, an office, and a kitchen.

"Mrs. Jonas I'd like to speak to you." Nadean said to me towards the end of her little session with Brooklyn. "Of course." I said cheerfully.

"I'd like to sign Brooklyn up for all 8 genres of dance. That includes jazz, tap, hip hop, lyrical, contemporary, ethnic, ballet, and acro/aerial/tumbling. She's around the age that I start training young girls than I start to Perdue them for competitive dance. And I'd really like Brooklyn to be successful in the dance world. At the moment I'd like to train her 9 hours a day, which would cost you around 202$ a day. 4 days a week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday." she informed me.

I smiled. "Wow, um. That sounds great." I said. It did seem like a lot for a 5 year old. But if Brooklyn really wants that, than she'll get it. "Are you sure this isn't too much for a 5 year old?" I asked her.

"Oh no sweetie." Nadean said printing up a copy of her contract. "I think Brooklyn will make a FINE member of DDC. And also, if she gets serious and well trained dance looks FANTASTIC to colleges." she informed me raising her eyebrow.

That was a deal breaker to me. "So where do I sign?" I asked clicking the pen out of my purse.



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