chapter 10

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(Demi's pov)

"Joe," I said in tears on the phone. "please don't hate me." I said.

"Why baby? what happened?" he asked.

"I left town. I need you to get Brooklyn. I have to go see my dads grave. I- she-" I choked on my tears.

"Demi, you left to see your dads grave?" he asked.

"mhmm.." I said.

"You didn't wanna ask us? Or tell me? Or plan ahead?" he said irritatingly.

"uh, i-"

"save it Demi." he said.

what is going on with him?

"i don't expect you to understand anyway" I said.

"I understand that this is stupid." he said.

"no it isn't." I grouched.

"yes it fucking is." he said. "so what's your mom wants to date? she's been single for too fucking long. almost 20 years. she's been raising your ass. if this is what you do when you don't get your way, maybe I'll just start fucking doing meth too," Joe bitched.

I can't believe he just said that.

he must've realized to. "Demi I'm sorry. I didn't mean that." he said.

a few tears fell again. "yeah." I said hanging up.

(Joes pov)

"Dammit." I said throwing my phone across my office. Thank god for my life proof case.

I grabbed my keys. "Jordan!" I yelled. "watch everyone I have to go pick up my daughter." I said.

I couldn't help but feel so guilty. I really didn't mean it. I've just been so stressed lately, and then she leaves. Just picks up and leaves. I don't know why she needed to. What's the big deal? the grave will still be there.

I pulled into brooklyns school and got out. "Daddy!!" I bent down as Brooklyn ran into my arms to hug me. "Hey princess." I said kissing her head.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and I picked her up as I walked to the car. "Where's mommy at?" she asked.

"mommy had to take a quick trip." I told her irritatingly.

"why? I miss her." Brooklyn said.

"she just had some important stuff to do." I said.

"why didn't we go with her?" Brooklyn asked.

I put her in her booster seat and buckled her in. "because she was in a hurry." I told her.

I was getting aggravated even though I knew Brooklyn meant well.

I'm really just stressed out. That's why I've been acting the way I have lately. Hopefully this passes soon.


sorry it's short guys. but I've got finals this week. 😩 & theyre killing me. oh and Happy Memorial Day!

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