Chapter 21

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(Selena's pov)

"I'm not mad at you." I said to Demi. I figured it was about time I'd talked to her. I've been home for 3 days now after our 10 day vacation to the Bahamas.

Which was great. We didn't talk about cancer, or anything. it was just me, and nick. and good music, good food, good... sex. it was great experiencing the culture. and the beach. ah the beach was amazing. I wanted to stay there forever.

...but unfortunately, we had to return to the sad, cold reality that is my life. filled with doctors, and cancer, and soon to be chemo and radiation treatment.

But for now, I was just stopping by my best friend's house to make up. "Demi." I said. Why wouldn't she speak to me? I mean, SHE dropped that bomb at MY wedding. I dealt with all the questions and people bombing me with tears and everything else.

But I can't blame her. I shouldn't have dropped the bomb on her like that. But I'm not sure how else I would've told her? Do Nick and I just sit her and Joe and the kids and their mom down and buy them a nice Demi and say, "oh by the way I have cancer?"

That's too cheesey. And ridiculous. "Demi." I finally snapped. I'd followed her around her house for 30 minutes. Joe was working and Brooklyn was at school so it wasn't like she couldn't just spill her feelings.

I finally grabbed Haven out of her arms. "DEMI!" I yelled. Just not loud enough to make Haven cry though.

"What?" she asked. Hey, at least she acknowledged me. "There we go," I said. "It's a start." I said.

"Look," she looked down. "Let me put Haven down for her nap upstairs and then we can talk." she said.

"Alright," I nodded.

(Demi's pov)

"So let's talk." I said awkwardly as I sat and propped my feet up on the couch beside Selena. I don't know why it was so awkward talking to my best friend. Why does it feel like she's some stranger?

"Okay, well. First off, I just want to say I'm sorry Demi. I shouldn't have dropped that bomb on you like that, especially at the time I just- i didn't know how else to tell you. And I'm starting chemo tomorrow. I just need you to be... on my side." Selena said.

I started to cry and I grabbed Selena. "I love you so much Selena." I squeezed her tightly and we cried into each other's shoulders. It was a typical chick flick moment.

"Goddamn Demi Lovato, I haven't cried this whole time and you're the one who makes me." Selena joked through her tears.

"I'm sorry." I laughed and apologized. "I'll stop." I said pulling away and wiping my eyes. "But it's okay to cry sel." I told her.

"You can't be strong all the time." I said.

She half smiled. "I know that all too well." she informed me.

We sat for a couple moments in silence. I decided to bring up something to make her happy.

"So tell me about your honeymoon." I smirked.

She perked up a little bit. "Well, let's just say, it was GREAT." she said.


short but sweet. it's 4am and I need sleep.

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