Chapter 26

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"How was dance today?" I asked the girls as we ate our traditional family dinner. "Good." Both Brooklyn & Haven answered in unison. "I actually want to talk to you about that," Demi said. "Okay?" I answered confused.

"Today when I brought the girls to the studio, Nadean asked me if I wanted to put the girls on her competition team. And they could dance full time." she said biting her lip. Like they don't dance full time now?

"How exactly does this work?" I asked. I don't want to just up & say no without all the information. Although from what I hear, I am probably going to up & say no.

"Well, the girls would go in at 8 or 8:30, and dance with Nadean until 9 or so at night." she explained to me. "What about school?" I asked her. "We can homeschool them. I mean, have you seen our daughter dance? Brooke apsolutely loves it." Demi told me.

"I'll sleep on it." I replied to her. Demi sighed and nodded as she went upstairs to give the girls their baths. I went and looked at my iPad and stares at a video of Brooke dancing. (a/n: the video is attached. basically what he's looking at)

She's the most talented little girl in the world. & she's so good at dancing.. I think I'd be okay with her doing it 24/7. 

"Dem." I said crawling into bed that night. "Yeah?" she asked rolling over to stare at me. "I want Brooke to dance." I told him. She smiled. "Me too."


The next day, I walked into the dance studio. "Hi demi! The girls aren't scheduled to dance yet today." she informed me.

I smiled. "Actually," I said. Brooke is came out from behind me with her dance shoes & her bag in hand. I grabbed a pen out of my purse and clicked it. "Where's that contract?" I asked.

Nadean smiled and hugged Brooke. "Welcome to the team sweetie," she said.


short as fuck but yeah

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