Chapter 10

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-- Part 1 --

Evan leaned back in his desk chair as he eyed the students in his class, slowly processing everything they were saying.

"So you all mean to tell me... You guys all fought villains this week and nearly died?" He tilted his head as Micheal finished his retelling of events with Coral sighing and turning his head away.

"Hey! We came out alright and took out a bad guy in the end! I call that a victory!" Micheal grinned as the rings on his wrists glowed.

"Yeah, but we all could have easily died." Arica shuttered and looked at the floor. "Forgive me, I hope I don't have to go through that again."

"Agreed! It wasn't fun! I barely managed to save Avery and Cardinal!" Juliet fiddled with the hem of her shirt and awkwardly sat in her chair.

"I never want to see that Kraken guy again..." Coral shivered and slammed his head onto his desk. "I thought he killed Micheal with that attack."

"But he didn't! And we're both ok!" Micheal pumped his fist into the air, "And now we have first hand experience on what all we are up against! We know what to train for!"

"I swear, if it wasn't for the fact you could shrug it off, I would punch you." Avery scowled at him, flaring her wings. "It was not a joyful experience, so let's move on and not try to focus on it."

"Shouldn't class be starting soon anyways?" Arica looked up at the door, her eyes adopting a slight red tint. "Where's Samuel and Honra?"

Evan rolled his eyes, "Apparently Sam is gonna be late. Though no clue on our teacher..."

Catherine pulled out her phone and went to do something on it, but stopped and widened her eyes, turning to Evan and pointing at her phone and then at his.

He pulled his out and tilted his head, "I... Don't have any signal?" The other students all pulled their phones out, checking and confirming that no one could send texts or calls. "That's irksome... I'm gonna go grab my mask from my locker, it has a private line that lets me call back home... It'd suck to be without communication." Evan walked to the door and opened it, stepping outside and letting out a small gasp before immediately slipping back in the room and shutting the door.

"What the hell Evan? Scared of your shadow?" Avery glared at his antics before he raised a finger to his lips, fear in his eyes.

Arica widened her eyes and started shaking, getting out of her chair and watching the door. "There's something big and hot in the hallway..."

"Hot is not what I would call it..." Evan took a deep breath. "It looks exactly like that thing that you guys took down..."

She gritted her teeth and turned to Avery, who flared her wings in response and stood up, causing the other students to get to their feet. "Alright... So a Warden is in the school... If Samuel and Arica could handle one, I am sure all seven of us could do the same."

"No you don't understand," He pulled out his phone and showed a picture Samuel sent him of it, "It looks exactly the same."

"So what? We can handle-!" Coral cut Micheal off by wrapping his tentacles around his mouth.

"Don't yell... Please." Micheal closed his eyes and sighed, nodding slightly before the other boy let go of him. "What's the plan?"

"We need to get to our gear. If Evan can contact his father, that should be our top priority." Arica glanced around the room and got some affirmative nods from Avery, Evan, and Catherine.

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