chapter thirty- everything falls apart

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*a few months later

it had been a few months since venom had destroyed the osborn mansion everything was falling apart more buildings were destroyed and had collapsed peter was losing hope he would always tell me he'd come back weaker and it was so stressful because venom was attacking everyday now so most of us could barely go out to see friends the only thing we could do was go out shopping it was like a full on apocalypse I was thinking to myself would this ever end I had been in my room for most of the day I just didn't know what to do anymore so I grabbed my phone and started texting delilah

ash: hey delilah how've you been

delilah: not bad but I'm pretty bored I've got nothing to do 😞

ash: same do you think this whole thing between venom and spiderman will ever end I'm losing hope

delilah: maybe one day but for now I really don't know what's going to happen next

ash: same here I hope all of us can come together we've been planning this for a couple months now and I'm hoping we can get rid of venom

delilah: yeah anyways I have to go me my parents have to do some shopping I'll try talk later with you see you later ☺️


I put my phone back down on my bedside table I exhaled before hearing my mom yell from the bottom of the stairs


I lazily got up from my bed and stumbled downstairs to the living room where I saw marinette and siblings sitting on the couch silently I sat down next to marinette before my mom announced

'ok everyone your father is going to be working a lot longer due to the current situation that's happening in this city'

marinette asked worriedly

'how long is he going to be working for'

my dad stepped in and replied

'I'll be working from when most of you get up in the morning to late at night but you don't need to worry I'll be perfectly fine'

I knew what this was about it was about venom I didn't want to say a word to my dad in case he would start shouting that I didn't know anything about this so I kept my mouth shut after that me and marinette both went back upstairs we went into marinette's room marinette said in a panicked tone

'I can't believe your father is going to be working longer just because of peter it's ridiculous yes I know he's a cop but he shouldn't be doing this'

I began explaining

'yeah I agree with you he shouldn't be doing this we both know a lot more about venom we could tell him everything but no he's doing the complete opposite of what I'm wanting him to do'

marinette nodded before smiling at me she then put her arm on my shoulder comforting me marinette then whispered

'don't worry ash I think tomorrow we should all get together with the others yes I know it sounds risky but I think it's best we start this final battle now or who knows what venom will do he's destroyed enough of the city and it's best if we step in now'

I glanced over at her before saying

'yeah I think we should you tell the others I'll try get hold of peter'

I quickly ran into my room shutting the door behind me I grabbed my phone before trying to text peter

ash: hey peter are you there I need to talk to you about something

peter: yeah I've finally got a minute to myself baby what's up ❤️

ash: perfect you know that plan we started talking about a few months ago

peter: yes I know what you're talking about

ash: well me and marinette earlier decided to start it and we need you and the others

peter: sure when do you need me for

ash: tomorrow morning it's going to be a bit risky but we all need to come together and stop venom ❤️

peter: yeah good idea anyways I have to go venoms attacking again see you tomorrow

ash: ok good luck I love you ❤️

Peter: I love you too gorgeous xx


I put my phone back down on my bedside table as soon as marinette hurried into the room she smiled at me before exclaiming happily

'ash I've told everyone about the plan and everyone wants to come over tomorrow morning is that alright with you'

I responded

'yeah I was just talking to peter about that a minute ago so it looks like we're sorted for tomorrow morning also did you tell siren as well she's helping us'

marinette said still with that joyful tone

'yes of course I did I didn't forget about her I have a number silly'

I laughed while saying

'ok ok I know you have her number I was just checking we need all of us in this'

marinette nodded before explaining

'also about tomorrow siren has loads of ideas ever since we came together a few months ago she's been planning nonstop'

I smiled happily I knew she'd do something like that I said excitedly

'that's wonderful news marinette I knew she'd be a big help with this'

I knew at that very moment tomorrow morning when the sun has risen and my dad had gone off to work for the day for some useless reason we would all come together as a big group and prepare to stop venom


~hello thank you for reading this chapter I cannot believe I'm almost at the end of this fanfic it's crazy how much time I spend writing these again I hope you enjoyed and the next chapter will come out soon so stay tuned

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