chapter sixteen- returning revenge

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the door opened and the light switched on me and blaire were still huddled in the corner I began to feel a little braver so I opened my eyes seeing spiderman standing by the door I exclaimed

'oh my god we thought you were venom for a second'

I nudged blaire she sighed in relief before saying quietly

'so how are we going to get out of here without getting caught by venom if he's trying to hunt down ash there's no way we're getting out of here'

spiderman explained

'don't worry I've got a plan you stay here it'll be safer for you to stay here for now and I'll get ash to safety'

blaire nodded as I stood up to leave spiderman switched off the light before closing the door to the janitors closet we both started creeping slowly down the hallways hoping we wouldn't get caught all of a sudden I heard venoms loud voice echo across the hallway


I began panicking right there on the spot I spotted a nearby locker and ran in an empty one I could see a glimpse of venom passing the lockers I put my hands over my mouth so he wouldn't hear my loud breath



I glanced round seeing venom in my eyesight venom grumbled miserably

'you better tell me where ash is I'll do everything just to find her'

I said

'well your never going to find her know wonder she doesn't like being near you'

that's when a fight broke out between us I shot some webs at him because I was eager to stop him before he would rip his anger out on the city suddenly he threw me against the hard wall he started punching me before screaming




I flinched as I could hear venoms ferocious scream from outside the locker silent tears were streaming down my face it was terrifying to see the pain happening to peter he sounded breathless maybe venom was choking him at this moment I then heard peter lie

'she's possibly in the city somewhere probably running away from you'

I heard a thud as venom growled angrily

'you liar where is she actually'

peter murmured

'she's in this college somewhere good luck finding her'

venom started losing it he raced over to the lockers he threw the first one downstairs I was starting to feel worried I was still in one of the lockers I knew he was going to find me once he chucked the locker I was in downstairs venom continued to throw all the other empty lockers he was now down to the last locker I held my breath for a second I could see him staring at the locker he unexpectedly picked it up I could then feel myself being thrown somewhere my whole body started to ache painfully as soon as it stopped



I gasped quietly to myself he didn't just do that ash was still in that locker venom glanced at me before he started choking me again he grumbled

'what's the matter'

I stuttered

'nothing nothing's wrong can you stop choking me now'

venom dropped me before growling angrily

'I'll be back spiderman I will find ash and finish you off just you wait'

he left the building just like that I hurried to where the flight of stairs where venom threw those lockers I saw ash clambering out she had a couple cuts and other injuries  I ran over to her and I asked

'ash are you ok'

I grabbed her hand to carefully help her up she explained

'yeah I'm ok thank god he didn't find me that was close but he did sort of throw me downstairs'

I hugged her I could see the sort of surprised look on her face I said to ash

'if he hurts you again I will completely lose it with him'

ash smiled before whispering

'thank you baby'



it had been an hour or two since venom attacked I was finally back at home chilling like I'd usually do I was calmly watching guardians of the galaxy by myself until marinette came into my room she said

'hey ash your mother needs you for some reason I don't know what it is but I guess you're going to find out now'

I responded with

'ok I'll head down there right now'

marinette left the room with me we both rushed downstairs to the living room seeing my mom dad and siblings we didn't say anything so we both just sat down on the couch my mom then announced

'ok we've got another family gathering to go to but this time it's going to be here because of what this worthless brat did last year'

she pointed her finger straight at me I could help but burry my head in my lap it was to embarrassing to think about what happened my dad continued

'anyways it'll be starting next week so be prepared'

a few minutes later after the boring talk about the family gathering I headed back upstairs to my room I was thinking about the worst possible things that could happen at this family gathering last year was a complete mess and I could never get over it it was to embarrassing i never stopped thinking about it after a couple minutes I stopped panicking and I got out my laptop to watch netflix for a bit


~hello thanks for reading this chapter I hope you enjoyed it next chapter will be out soon

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