Author's Note 1.

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Hey Y'all.
This story is fully written already, this being part one of a long fic. I should have another with all 3 parts together, for completionism, or you can follow the parts to make it more digestible.

Lets run through a couple must know things, minor general spoilers be advised:

1) TW for panic attacks or at least watch out for some chapters if you're feeling vulnerable. Mostly add this as I myself made the mistake of writing some of these when I was unstable and that... didn't end well.
2) Everything is written, I'm just editing before I post, this means this project will not be abandoned (unless I die lol) so you'll get your happy ending.
3) the plan is to post on the weekends — any time Friday to Sunday. The plan is also to post 3 weeks, then skip one. If I haven't posted by Sunday midnight GMT then either it's the skip week or I'm a dumbass and will be posting 2 next weekend. Might Hiatus posting during holidays depends how I feel, and that skip week I might post something else if I've written other fics.
4) I might also post author notes, if I do it'll be after every 5 chapters so as to not clutter the fic. This might include replies to questions, changes to the schedule (goddess forbid), or anything of note.
5) I'll be honest and say this is my first big creative writing project. I generally have passable grammar and spelling but apologies if I missed something. Also, if you find a fractal mistake in the fic do let me know [and by let me know I mean rip me to shreds. I,l respect you more]. And no, nitpicks of canon don't count.
6) That leads me swiftly to this. This is Cannon Non Compliant cause... I said so. As for what's different:
{Pietro's alive. May Knows. Civil War never happened. All the avengers still live at the tower. Ultron did happen but that's the last major cannon plot point found}.
7) minimal knowledge is required from the MCU. Maybe to know who the characters are, and while I did sneak some Easter eggs, they're blink and you'll miss it. Enjoy if found, not worse off if missed.
8) on that note, I did make little cross-overs between other series set in New York or related to New York in some way. Again, because I said so. Children from the 90s either beware or rejoice.
9) as for tags. If I added a tag it's because it's significantly present = a plot point in at least one chapter and recurring (see also, ships).
10) Again,excellent Segway. This is very gay, very LGBT. There's but few characters that didn't undergo fruitification. For some this changes little beyond their perception of themselves, for some it's causative of their main character arcs. If you don't like LGBT+ people or relationships, either sit quiet and eat the food I made, or leave. I will not miss you,
11) No Starker and No Incest (yes adoptive siblings dating is also a No LokixThor fans).
12) No one dies either, so Major Character Death fans, also don't get excited. Sorry. I understand why you like this trope but I much prefer keeping the characters alive. It's more fun to play with them.

The setting is early 2016, NYC. Peter's a Sophmore with MJ and Ned. The Avengers are generally the same but also subject to massive change.

Cast includes but not limited to (this is everyone who gets a significant role):
Peter Parker
Ned Leeds
May Parker
Tony Stark
Pepper Potts
Steve Rogers
James 'Bucky' Barnes
Bruce Banner
Clinton Barton
Natasha Romanoff
Thor Odinson
Loki Odinson
Sam Wilson
Scott Lang
Pietro Maximoff
Wanda Maximoff

... that's about it, Enjoy.

A year to Remember. Part 1, the Wrong NumberWhere stories live. Discover now