S&P Lab Day

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Peter POV:

*ring ring*

Wha- *thunk*. I fall out of bed, after a second to gather myself I hear it again, *ring ring*. My phone? Who's calling?. Quickly grabbing my phone off the nightstand, I turn it to see the Caller ID...

"Mr Turtle?!", I blurt out, in shock. "Karen, activate the voice filter please", I order my AI, waiting for her confirmation before answering the call. "Mr Turtle, everything ok?".

I hear some movement and a short soft laugh before I get a response, "Hey kid, feeling better from yesterday?", Mr turtle asks. I nod my head for a second before I remember: not a video call, "Yeah, still staying home just in case, my aunt insisted".

"That's good kid, self care is imp-", I don't let him finish as memories of our last talk hit me. "OMG, Mr Turtle, how'd it go? Did my plan work? Did he say yes?".

I hear a second voice chuckle, "Hey Kid".

"Mr Wolf, Is that you?", I ask to make sure. "Yeah kid", he answers, before adding, "to both of your questions". Wait wait wait, "So, you said Yes?!?!?", I ask as I jump up off the floor from excitement.

"Well, I sure as hell couldn't say no", Mr Wolf jokes making me giggle, giggling that breaks into full out laughter as Mr Turtle scolds, "Language Buck".

After a couple of seconds my laughter dies down, before I ask, "so... what are you now?".

I can almost hear their stunned reactions, that last a second before Mr Turtle composes himself, "Well, I guess he's my... boyfriend? Gosh that feels weird to say".

"Well I like it", I can hear the grin through his voice, before hearing some movement, a very quiet kissing sound, and Mr Turtle's very not quiet reaction, "Buck. Not right now!". I giggle as I ask, "Is he blushing?", giggles almost reciprocated with Mr Wolf's answer, "Like mad". I break, again.

While I'm calming down, Mr Wolf starts, "Thanks for yesterday kid, Turtle here told me it was your idea".

"You're welcome Mr Wolf", I can barely make out before I hear Turtle's indignant, "Hey! The rings and pastries were my idea".

"Ok, so mostly the kids idea", is all I hear before a smacking sound comes through my phone, followed by Wolf's laughter. "Well, I'm just happy you're happy".

"Thanks Kid", both Wolf and Turtle respond, before Mr Turtle continues. "We haven't told anyone else yet though, so can we keep it a secret for a little longer?". I nod quickly as I answer, "Sure, as long as you need".

Now it's Mr Wolf's time to respond, "Probably just till the end of the week. We told you first because Turtle would've been hopeless without you".

"Buck!", Mr Turtle almost whines, like a married couple already. "I think I'll give you two the room", I comment.

"Ok Kid, thanks again", I hear Mr Wolf say. "Bye Mr Wolf, By Mr Turtle" I wave, getting a short "bye kid" from Mr Turtle as we end the call.

Sitting back down on my bed, I quickly look over my messages. Of course, Ned blew my phone up again. I did find some messages from MJ....



‏Hey Loser

‏Ned told me what happened, said it was fine, but you haven't been to school in 2 days

‏Just checking if you're ok


Hey MJ

I'm fine, I promise

Got a little hurt on Sunday, so I'm just staying back this week to recover

A year to Remember. Part 1, the Wrong NumberWhere stories live. Discover now