The Zoo

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Avengers POV:



But we explain it to them first, and you threaten them to behave




Tony lifted his head from his phone before calling up to FRIDAY, "Hey Fri, can you tell everyone to go on the group chat, and if they argue tell them Nat wants them there".

"On it Boss", FRIDAY responded, and fulfilled the request immediately, the beauties of an AI. "Thanks Fri", Tony replies as he pulls up the group chat.


*Avenger's Group Chat*


‏?What's this about




‏?Tony, what's wrong


Everyone Quiet and Listen up

*From several people typing to 0 in a single second*

It's come to my awareness that some of you have been wondering why Tony, Clint and I have been so much on our phones recently.


‏?Yeah, who have you been texting


Shut it Barnes and you'll find out

Long story short, Tony got a wrong number, grew fond of him.

Clint and I found out and have texted him as well

He's had a bad day today, so we're introducing him to all of you to cheer him up

Got it?



‏?By 'grow fond' do you mean this someone made Tony grow a heart


Shut it Wilson





Shut it Barton!


‏?So are we doing like a meet and greet, what's the point here


Nothing of the sort

The Kid doesn't know who Tony or the rest of us are, and he isn't finding out


‏?Wait wait, Stark's been texting a kid

‏Red flag


Shut it Barnes or you're sleeping outside


A year to Remember. Part 1, the Wrong NumberWhere stories live. Discover now