Spiders, Sport and Sabotage

719 21 31

Peter POV:

*beep beep beep beep bee-Bang!".

I shut my alarm off groggily. I'm never gonna get used to waking up early for school, it's too early and with the late nights out, I am always way too tired. It's Wednesday too, which means we have PE first period, with Flash.... "Anyways, can't let that stop me", I think as I jump out of bed and take a quick warm shower. It may be Spring already but that doesn't mean it's warm by any means, specially in the cool morning breeze.

I jump out and quickly get dressed in my Gym clothes so I don't have to change at school, and throw my midtown hoodie on top before heading to the kitchen. May's already left for work, so I quickly make myself a bowl of cereal — I almost burnt the kitchen last time so it's all I am allowed to make — and inhale it so I won't be late. I quickly rinse my bowl and leave it to dry before I speed the door and apartment and out to the subway.

Even thought it's only been like, 10 days, pulling out my phone and sending Mr TBD a good morning text already feels routine, natural. I'm guessing it's the same for him, since he's gotten quicker at responding as well.


Good Morning Mr TBD!

I hope you have an awesome day!


‏?Morning Kid, excited


Yeah! My friend and I are hanging out after school and I have Chem and Physics today

They're a little easy, but I love them.

I do start with PE, with this one guy, but it's fine. Nothing I can't handle


‏?Wait, "this guy"? Is this about those bullies you talked about before


Don't worry about that, I got it all handled.

I'm ok now, I promise


‏?Fine, but if you need to talk


Aww, thanks Mr TBD

Anyways, how's your day?


‏?Boring, my boss has been on my back recently


Don't worry, I know you got this!

Oh, This is my stop Mr TBD! Ttyl 👋


‏I am never getting used to you using those things

‏Bye kid

"Bye kid", I quickly read before I put my phone away and start running out of the station and towards my school. My spider stamina really comes in handy in moments like this when I'm cutting it close. I make it through the doors just in time for the bell to ring and quickly head towards the Gym, running into Ned along the way, sparking a conversation that lasts until we sit on the bleachers and have to stop as Coach Wilson calls for our attention.

"LISTEN UP! Today we're doing track training (idfk). 800 meters. Guys first, then the girls", I snicker to myself, thinking of what MJ would say if she was in this class with us. "But before we start, the school requires me to show you another one". He stops as everyone grumbles and groans, all knowing what he means as he takes the VHS tape and plays it on an old TV. Then Cap's voice starts ringing out:

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