Divine Interruption

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Spider-Man POV:

Shuri came out Spider-Manning with me today. Or, well, through my lenses. I've been slacking off a bit with Spider-Man, between the chat, the movie nights, Shuri, Ned and MJ, Spider-Man has hit the back burner. We've made it a deal to meet every Saturday at the least, but when I told her I'd be late.... But when I explained it was to go out spider-manning she brightened up, insisted to let her connect to my lenses so she could join me.

It was fun, gotta admit. We chatted between saves and she guided me through a couple tough spots. Taught me a new way to calm down a fire, and hacked to a banks security cameras to help with a hostage crisis. She's gotta teach me that. I cut my call with Shuri around Midday, for a quick visit to Harls and Iv's before heading over to the Tower, making it by around 1:30.

I barely land on the balcony before she starts pulling me to the elevator. "I've got the best idea", is all the context I get until we get to the lab. I see her schematics, "... is that?".

"Yup." She smiles knowingly, mischievously. I turn to look at her, "and we're gonna?".

"Yup", she nods, "I've never had someone to build these with, cannot miss this chance now", she comments". I'll get a Blue one", "I'll get a Purple one", we both call dibs as we get to work, our synergy unmatched. Finished in under 3 hours, we're about to test them out before a loud bang and rumbling of the building stops us. "What was that?", I asked half terrified, what if this is an avenger's level threat?

Shuri looks abnormally calm, "Ugh don't worry, it's nothing bad, just annoying".


Avengers POV: 10am

"Why the pout?", Rhodey asks as Tony waits for his coffee , amused at the billionaire's downtrodden mood. "You're like the 3rd person I see like this?". He looks up at me disinterested from his cold cup of undrunk coffee. "Kids busy all day today", Tony replies through his frown, "Didn't even say good morning today".

Rhodes chuckles, "What? He does this every day?". Tony just scowls at the man. "He does? Ok. Don't worry Tony, you said you do movie nights every Saturday, I'm sure he'll show up by then". Rhodey now tries to comfort, slowly understanding the normalcy which they built with the kid. And a pouting Tony is cute.

"Yeah", Tony sighs, grabbing his cup, mood unchanged but appreciating the effort of his best friend. "Thanks platypus". He waves as he heads for his lab to work all day.

Tony gets some peace, until certain lab neighbours' growing noise gets to him. Not wanting to cross a certain princess, Tony heads to the Living Space until their somewhat unwanted guest leaves, running into most of the Avengers sans T'Challa, Vision, Sam and Scott. Clint is the first to notice, and ask Tony, "Kid hasn't texted?". Everyone turns to the man, similarly curious for the answer.

"Nope", Tony replies grumpily as the room deflates. They remain in silence, each to their own, keeping small casual conversations until a shaking 'Boom!' sound makes them jump. "Boss, Pointbreak has landed on the roof", Friday informs, calming them from their battle poses, making Tony rub his eyes. "No respect for another man's helipads".

The Avengers all turn to the elevator, seeing it light up as it arrives. It's doors open to a rather unpleasant sight for most. "ReindeerGames", Tony greets, flagrant distaste in his voice as both gods step off the elevator. A loud *thunk* echoing in the room as Thor drops his hammer. "What is he doing here?", Tony continues.

"Son of Stark", Thor's voice booms. Spotting Bruce's flinch, he lowers his volume as he continues. "He's been of great help building New Asgard. He's a new man!". Tony and a few others raise their eyebrows, their trust reserved. Thor's always been one for treating family with immense trust, earned or not.

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