Rooftop Precaution and Nightly Plaudits

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*Flashback to that Monday morning*

3rd person POV:

"Tell him yourself Stark". Fury's voice also plays through Fri's speakers. "Oh shit here we go", Tony pouts as he exits his lab and heads towards the conference room where the rest of the Avengers must certainly be waiting.

As the doors open, an oval conference table with all the present Avengers sitting on either side, to the left there's Bucky, Steve, Natasha, Clint and Bruce closest to furthest. And on the right there's Wanda, Pietro, Vision, Sam and Scott. With one empty seat on one end of the table — for Tony — and a very angry pirate in leather sitting opposite to it.

"Stark! Finally bothered to show up, did you?", Said Pirate scolds the billionaire as he sits down disinterested. "Yeah yeah Fury, can we get this over with, I'm not fond of wasting my mornings", Tony retorts. The increased incidence of meetings clearly taking its toll.

"Woke up on the wrong side of the bed Tin-Can?", Clint snickers from his end of the table, as Fury smacks his head while Natasha says, "Shut it Clint. And Stark, if you don't wanna be here, behave so we can leave quicker". "Moving. On!" Fury interrupts, one more comment away from loosing it "What's your progress on your mission?".

"Nothing so far, We've gone out in pairs to observe, and on occasion try and approach, but he always gets away any time we try and get close". Steve answers. "Why do we even need to chase Spider-Man?", Tony interjects, "He's done nothing suspicious, and he seems like a good guy, helping old ladies cross the road, He's like a Boy Scout". He argues.

"But do you know, are you sure?", Fury questions Tony, clearly wanting an answer. "He hasn't done anything to suggest otherwise". Tony says while narrowing his eyes as he stares at Fury. "But Do. You. Know?", Fury challenges, matching the gesture as both men fall into a staring contest before Natasha interrupts.

"No, we don't know for sure".

"Exactly! We don't know anything at all" Fury argues. "No Name, no ID, nothing on his powers or how he got them. Nothing. And he may help old ladies cross the road...". Fury continues as he gestures Maria to display pictures on the Holograms in the table.

"But he's also defeated Scorpion, Vulture, Doctor Octavius, Green Goblin, Shocker, Sand Man, Lizard, Kraven the Hunter. All potential or actual avenger level threats. He has defeated them — sometimes even multiple at once — all on his lonesome". Fury's frustrations crack through, his rant practiced and unstoppable.

"We know nothing about a vigilant who can take down multiple avengers level threats. That MAKES him an avengers level threat Stark. That's why I need you to bring him in. End of discussion.". Fury finishes, as the room grows quiet before Scott out of everyone gets the courage to speak

"But, Mr Fury, how would you suggest we bring him In? I wouldn't exactly feel comfortable attacking someone who by most all accounts doesn't deserve it". "I concur, Besides, if our concern is avoiding an attack or 'Spider-Man' going rogue, or becoming an avengers level threat. We might want to avoid antagonising him first". Vision adds and argues.

"... Alright". Fury responds after thinking it over for a second, "We'll give him a chance to come in by choice. One, or 2 at most of you will go talk to him. If he's already evaded you we don't want to give him too many reasons to run off, the less of you to start with the better". Fury formulates his plan.

"Then, Give him the choice. If he rejects it, use as much force as necessary to bring him in. Either he comes in and answers all our questions, or we take those answers by force. One way or another SHIELD needs to know. I don't want another word on this", Fury orders, before adding. "Got it Stark!", For the billionaire who's uncharacteristic silence was explained by the phone he looked up from at the mention of his name.

A year to Remember. Part 1, the Wrong NumberWhere stories live. Discover now