Mario Kart and Movie Nights

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Peter POV

I'm Swinging over to the tower, at Shuri's threa- I mean request, taking the long route to play with my new mask. It's amazing, the voice filter's integrated into it's fabric, The lenses are even lighter than my previous ones.

Karen's guiding me to the tower, a dynamic display on my lenses literally showing me the route. Ned called me through it last night and it even displays his face on the side.

As I land by the same elevator as last time, I have Karen message Shuri that I've arrived. I wait a moment for her response, while checking the telepath blocker Shuri gave me is secure, until I hear FRIDAY's voice. "Spider-Man, Ms Shuri has instructed me take you to her", She explains. "If you could please step into the elevator".

I do as I'm told and just as I stepped in, the doors close and it starts moving up. Would be lying if I said I wasn't anxious, this is the first time I've been in the tower without Shuri, what if I ran into an avenger? Would they be mad? Would they attack me? Tony didn't yesterday, but was that because Shuri was there?

My questions, unfortunately, get answered as the elevator doors open and I'm faced with Ant-Man. "Hey", Is all he says as he steps in. I'm paralysed for a second, just looking at him through my periphery.... he doesn't seem particularly threatening, isn't even wearing his suit. I break the silence.

"Hello Mr Ant-Man, it's an honour to meet you. Well, you know, when we aren't fighting, and aren't hurt, and.. yeah", I teeter out while scratching my neck, only now the awkwardness of my rambling dawning on me.

Mr Ant-Man doesn't really seem phased by this tho, as he just laughs it off while he extends his arm; "Hey Spider-Man, you can call me Scott". I shake his with mine, the awkwardness slowly fading, as we're interrupted by the doors opening with a hyper excitable teenager waiting on the other side.

"Good, you're here" Wrist. "Let's go".

As I look around, I notice we are heading in a different hallway... on a different floor. Knowing my track record getting answers to that question, I choose to just wait and as it when we stop. Shuri, unlike last time, bursts through a door into our destination; A living room?

I pause by the door, confused, why a living room?

"You promised we'd do vines, I'm holding you to it. If we went into one of the labs we'd just get distracted again", Shuri waves, inviting me in. "So", I ask, understanding and confidence returning, "what vines did you have in mind".


3 hours later, because if you thought we wouldn't spend a whole 3 hours doing vines to quote Shuri "you were sorely fuckin mistaken".

We're laughing, scrolling down the comments, multiple funny ones and only a few thirst ones so that's good. Until the vent hatch bursts open with a *BANG*, followed by a *Thump*. I look back and around, worried, while Shuri barely seems fazed by this. Then, everything falls into place once I see him.

"What did you do this time Clint?", Shuri deadpans, her face being 110% done with everything happening right now. The grown ass man that just fell from the room lifts himself from the floor, running his back. "Nothing!", He whined defensively. Why do I have a feeling that it was muscle memory...

"Anyways, We're having a Mario-Kart tournament, wanna join?", The Archer asks, I don't think he's even noticed me. Shuri turns from him to me. He does as well, his expression changing from Goofy and childish, to reserved and mistrusting. Ouch.

"Wanna join Spidey?", Shuri asks me. Hawkeye looks annoyed by that, but after a... deadly look from Shuri he holds his tongue.

"Ohh, I don't want to be a bother, it's fine. I can leave if you want", I try and avoid conflict. I'm the guest, can't do this to them. Shuri didn't like that answer, she didn't like it at all. "*scoff* Dont let this dumbass hold you back, I asked if you wanted to come, if they don't like it, they'll have to deal with me". Clint took offence to the 'dumbass' comment, but seemed wise enough to not fight her. A lesson I learnt the hard way.

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