Pirates, Princesses & Probies

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Peter POV:

"I've got to kick a billionaire's ass", Shuri said as she pulls me with her.

"Wait wait wait, the Avengers? Stop", I free my wrist from her grasp before continuing, "I thought you weren't going to hand me to the Avengers!". I almost yell back, anxiety rising in my chest.

"Spidey, I'm not handing you to them, I'm getting them off your back", she answers, grabbing my wrist and pulling again. "But first, I gotta talk to my brother". She drags me through the Wakandan Embassy, really cool looking place, up to what looked like a conference room, King T'Challa inside, centre stage.

"Brother, we need to talk!", Shuri immediately commands as if she wasn't talking to a king. He turns around to face her.

"What do you want Shuri", he stops as he spots me, "What is he doing here?".

"Don't worry Brother, he's harmless, at least to us. He's my vine buddy", She grins. King T'Challa sighs, "oh no, you've named him, you're attached aren't you?".

"Yes, which is exactly what I'm here to talk about", She gets back on track as she walks up to him. "Take us to the Avengers, I have a few choice words for them about their treatment of my friend". He rubs the bridge of his nose, clearly frustrated. "Come on Brother, look at the bright side. I can't annoy you if I'm hanging out with my friend", His mood changed.

"Fine, Shuri", T'Challa agrees, "But only because Captain Rogers already had asked for me to come this morning".

"Yes!", Shuri celebrates, clearly happy to have gotten her way. Too distracted by her cheering I miss King T'Challa heading my way. "Spider-Man", he says as he reaches in for a handshake that I quickly reciprocate, "pleasure to meet you, a friend of my sisters is a friend of mine".

"Thank you your highness? King T'Challa? King of Wakanda?", I struggle finding something to call him. A laugh, "Told you he was harmless", Shuri jokes behind me, my masked cheeks growing rosier from embarrassment.

"King T'Challa or T'Challa will do", he supplies as he lowers his hand. "But know this Spider-Man, anyone that hurts my sister is seen as an enemy of Wakanda, and treated with the full strength of our might". He threatens, still cool and relaxed in poise. I see Shuri roll her eyes in the corner of my eye.

"Am I understood?".

"Yes King T'Challa sir, understood", I answer back, incredibly intimidated and slightly scared.

"Are you done reducing me to a damsel in distress brother, or can we go?", She sasses at him, getting a couple of giggles out of me before I realise I'm laughing at a King and quickly shut up. He exhaustedly exhales, "There really is another one of her", before rubbing his eyes. "At least this one's more polite", he adds with a smirk. It was targeted.

"Really, brother?", She looks back unamused.

"I'm sorry, do you want me to take you to Stark Tower, or would you prefer chatting here all day?", He again sasses back at Shuri, a couple of giggles escape me making her punch my shoulder playfully.

"Let's go", Shuri exaggerates exasperation as she pulls my arm again, King T'Challa following close behind, to a really advanced looking car. "Wow", I sigh in amazement at the vehicle in front of me.

"Like it? I made it", Shuri brags making her brother roll his eyes at her. "It's soo cool, you made this? It's incredible", I shoot compliments after compliment. She's loving it. "I know, I know, I'm amazing, but we can't leave until you get in the car", She directs at me. King T'Challa takes the wheel and Shuri takes shotgun, while I sit at the back.

After a couple of minutes of silent driving, me being too awkward to speak and Shuri angrily mouthing what I presume are her 'choice words', King T'Challa breaks it. "So, Spider-Man, My sister talks a lot about you", he starts, leaving me dumbfounded.

A year to Remember. Part 1, the Wrong NumberWhere stories live. Discover now