Tony's Kid

335 14 4

As I start to open my eyes I feel weird. Good weird, but weird. No pain from my neck or back, and there's nothing lodged on my face. I feel... not tired. It takes me a minute to recall what happened last night: the kid. He was... comforting me, and unlike usual... I... don't hate it? I'm not usually this sappy with anyone, except maybe Pepper or Platypus, maybe it's cause we've never met and don't have to meet? Yeah that's probably it.

About 10 minutes later of trying to get up and thinking about last night, I decide to text them first, picking my phone up from my bedside table and opening the messaging app.


Morning Kid, beat ya to it.

About last night, thanks again.


It's only now that I see the time, 8 am. 'I texted a teenager.... at 8 am.... on a Saturday.... probably won't hear from them until-', I don't even get to finish that thought before 3 little dots pop on his end; He's texting.


‏The Kid


‏You texted first again

‏Good Morning


It's Saturday morning Kid, what are you doing up this early?

‏The Kid

‏It's only 8 am, not that early

‏And I can't let the day go to waste


Good ethic kid.

‏The Kid

‏Thanks Mr Metal

‏Also... about last night

‏Not to push

‏And you don't have to answer if you don't want to

‏I don't want to be rude


Just spit it out kid

‏The Kid



‏?Did you apologise

‏?How'd it go



I haven't apologised, not sure it would work anyways

‏The Kid



I told you yesterday, I just hurt them.

They probably just think of me as a coworker more than a friend anyways

‏The Kid

‏Doubt it

‏...Mr Metal, the way you talked last night, how concerned you were

‏I could feel the guilt, they're not your friends, they sound more like your family


A year to Remember. Part 1, the Wrong NumberWhere stories live. Discover now