Widow's Lament

178 8 3

"Progress Report Romanoff!".

"Mission's complete sir", I answer. Honestly? Not a fan of this mission, but if it had been any other time it would've been better. "I apprehended the media dubbed 'Prom Night Pervert' last night through one of his... encounters". Bastard preyed on teenagers, fucking kids! There's a reason he's called the 'Prom Night Pervert', though another P-word would certainly have been more accurate.

"Specifics Romanoff", Fury demands, nullifying my attempt at moving past it.

I sigh, angry, yet I keep it from my voice, "He attempted to restrain a pair of 17 year old girls in an alley by the Knickerbocker hotel. I intervened and incapacitated him before the police arrived". Two 17 year olds, and they're no where near his first.


"Name was (Redacted), age 52. Works at one of those 'rent a tux' shops, found his targets through costumers of the place. DA estimates at least 30 in prison for 21 counts over the last month". Twnty-Fucking-One. That isn't just a sum, that's 21 young girls now scarred for life. I know much too well how that's like. "But who the fuck knows with the system these days", I mutter, rage bubbling over.

"Romanoff", Fury starts, "I know your feelings on this. You stopped him, that's what matters", he says coldly, which is as close to caring as he's ever gonna get. "Right".

"Is that all Romanoff?", He queries

I sigh. "Spider-Man assisted with the search on some nights", I add to his grunt, "but aside from that? Yes sir". I answer, trying to get this over with as quickly as possible. "Romanoff?", He stresses, clearly dissatisfied and knowing better. "Fine", I cede, "He may be complaining about a broken arm for the foreseeable future". I huff, a sly smirk on my face, "I found it necessary to protect lives".

"Really, Who's?".

"His", I answer, the silent threat not missed by Fury. He chuckles for a second. Fury doesn't say anything else as he ends the call, my previous calm smirk and collected attitude shattering. "Fucking dammit".

Bastard terrorised 21 young girls, 21 lives hurt by the selfish scum. Any other time of the year and I would be much too pleased to take him down but this close to Mother's Day... I'm not fond of the extra reminders.

It's not like I ever had a choice... or a chance for that matter. I just head over to my room, too long a Sunday now Monday night, too much- *Buzz* ... and apparently more to come


‏The Kid

‏Morning everyone


Morning kid


Sup Kid

‏The Kid

‏Hello ☺️

‏Good to see everyone's back

‏How are you doing today


Good kid, thanks for asking


I'm good

Turtle's flustered right now, but good



Do you need to tell everyone!?


A year to Remember. Part 1, the Wrong NumberWhere stories live. Discover now