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Shut Down/-/-/-/-/-/Chapter One

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Shut Down
Chapter One

"Hyung!" Seungmin shouted running in to  Minho's room. Seungmin loved to hang out with his band members. Especially Minho since they are the two that barely hang out. "what?" Minho asked looking up from his phone. "Come and watch a basketball game with me." Seungmin said standing next to the elders bed with a big smile on his face.

"No." Minho said looking back at his phone smirking once he heard Seungmin let out a whiny noise. He saw that the younger boys smile had dropped and had turned into a small frown. "Hyung please! I'll do whatever you want." He said with a hopeful smile, "nope, got plans." Minho answered and Seungmin huffed, "fine! Do whatever you want." He said storming out of the room.

Minho felt slightly bad but he really did have plans.


"Minho-hyung!" Seungmin yelled as he walked into the dorm. He had just gotten back from going out for ice cream with the band's youngest member. "Yes?" Minho asked from the kitchen.

"What you making?" Seungmin asked walking into the kitchen after taking his coat and shoes off. "Uh food." Minho said in an obvious tone, "what kind of food?" Seungmin said rolling his eyes walking closer to Minho.

"Noddles." He answered showing the younger boy what he was making. "Can I have some?" Seungmin asked with puppy eyes, "those ain't gonna work on me Seungminie, ask Felix or Hyunjin." Minho said leaving the kitchen with a smirk on his face and a bowl of noddles.

"Meanie hyung!" Seungmin yelled as Minho walked into his room.


"Hyungie!" Seungmin said sitting down next to Minho on the sofa. Seungmin was upset about how little time him and the elder boy spent together. Minho sighed and looked at him, "what?" He asked, "I'm bored, let's do something." Seungmin said in a whiny voice, he grabbed on the the elders arm as he said that.

"No." Minho answered simply, "what? Why?" Seungmin asked, "I'm watching something. Go annoy Felix or Hyunjin." Minho said looking over to the younger boy with a smirk. "They aren't here! They went out together again." Seungmin said crossing his arms. "Go to the other dorm." Minho said turning back to the tv, "no! I wanna do something with you!" Seungmin whined again, "watch this with me or go find something else to do." Seungmin sighed and sat down next to Minho watching the show with him, he was bored but he was with his hyung so he didn't mind.


"Hyung!" Seungmin yelled frantically running into the room. "God Seungmin, what now?" Minho asked looking at the boy, Seungmin had been clinging to him for days and Minho didn't mind but couldn't stand hearing the word "hyung" over and over again. It made him feel like he was a mother with a whiny child who just wanted attention from her.

"I can't find fluffy!" Seungmin yelled, he had a big pout on his face with tears in his eyes, threatening to fall at any second. Fluffy was Seungmin's new pet bunny. He had wanted a pet for a while, after asking his dorm mates for a couple of months they finally agreed.

"Please help me hyung!" He said biting his lip. Minho looked at the boy with no expression, he didn't like how the boy was close to tears. "Fine, come on." Minho said standing up and walking behind Seungmin both leaving the room.

They looked around for a while, but couldn't see the small animal. "Did you look in the others dorm?" Minho asked Seungmin who had sat down on the sofa, tears falling from his eyes. "N-no, why would he be in there?" Seungmin asked looking at the elder boy with big, innocent eyes. "I'll be back." Minho said and ran out of the dorm into the other members one.

Minho came back after five minutes with the bunny in his arms. Seungmin stood up and ran to Minho and grabbed the small animal out of his hand. "fluffy! Where did you go?" He asked hugging the small animal, he wiped his tears and smiled as he held on the the bunny.

"Your welcome, and he was with Changbin." Minho answered sarcastically. "What!? Why did Changbin-hyung have him!?" Seungmin yelled as he put the bunny back in his cage, "I don't know ask him." Minho said and was about to walk into his  room until he felt Seungmin cling onto him.

"Thank you hyung!" Seungmin said hugging Minho tightly. Minho's ears turned a light shade of red. "It's fine." Minho said and patted the younger's back then pulled away from Seungmin. "I'm gonna go to sleep, you should to." Minho said walking into the room and Seungmin went to his, "okay." Seungmin's nodded and they both went to sleep.

Thank you for reading!
Next chapter out soon! <3

/-/-/-/-/-/Thank you for reading!Next chapter out soon! <3

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