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Luv U/-/-/-/-/-/Chapter Nine

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Luv U
Chapter Nine

It was the next day. Seungmin and Minho hadn't talked since the argument. Luckily Hyunjin and Felix had noticed and both talked to them. Felix took Seungmin to his room and Hyunjin took Minho to his.

"What did you wanna talk about Lix?" Seungmin asked as he sat on the bed with crossed legs and a confused puppy face. "Well I noticed you and Minho are acting kinda weird." Felix said sitting down next to the younger boy. Seungmin nodded him head and let out a heavy breath before he spoke.

"I came home yesterday and Minho seemed off. I asked him what was wrong and he then asked where I was. I told him I was with Changbin and then he asked why I didn't ask him to go out instead. I was confused and yelled at him, I said that he always said no whenever I asked, he got angry and we had an argument." Seungmin explained most of it to Felix.

Felix shook his head and thought about the elder. He new Minho was jealous. Felix patted the younger boys head. "Maybe you should try and talk to him." Felix suggested, "no, I have nothing to apologise for. He was the one who was angry at me for no reason!" Seungmin said, Felix nodded and told him to calm down. "Hyunjin is talking with him." Felix said with a smile, "he should know to say sorry to me without Jinnie-hyungs help." Seungmin said crossing his arms cutely and Felix giggled. "I know Minnie, wanna watch something with me?" Felix asked and the younger nodded.

Hyunjin looked at Minho without saying anything. "What?" Minho asked, "what's up with you and Seungmin?" Hyunjin asked straight away. Minho looked kinda shocked and then sighed. "I yelled at him." Minho admitted and Hyunjin's eyes widened. "What? How could you yell at the cute puppy!?" Hyunjin yelled. "Calm down. I don't know, I felt angry and I don't know why." Minho tried to explain. Hyunjin looked at his confused so Minho sighed and tried to explain in more detail.

"Seungmin was out all day yesterday. I asked him where he was and he said he was with Changbin. For some reason I felt... hurt? Maybe, I don't know. He got annoyed at me because I said that he should have asked me to hangout instead. He said there is no point in asking me because I always say no. That's when the argument started." Minho said looking away from Hyunjin who was looking at him with a frown and crossed arms.

"You was jealous." Hyunjin said. Minho snapped his head towards the taller boy. "what!? No of course not." Minho said, "yes." Hyunjin said and Minho shook his head. "How would you know?" Minho asked rolling his eyes. "I've been jealous before." Hyunjin admitted, "wow really? For who? Felix?" Minho asked with a smirk, Hyunjin blushed and scrunched his eyebrows. "Shut up!" Hyunjin yelled, "your not denying it." Minho teased even more.

"Shut up hyung and admit you was jealous of Changbin and Seungmin." Hyunjin yelled, "no! I'm not!" Minho yelled back, ears turning red. "Whatever, go say sorry to him." Hyunjin said and Minho nodded. He new he needed to say sorry to the younger but he didn't know how.

The two boys walked out of the room and saw Felix and Seungmin sitting on the sofa. Hyunjin made Minho join them and sit next to Seungmin. He felt awkward, but he didn't know if the younger did too. They watched the show in silence.

An hour had passed. Felix and Hyunjin went to Hyunjin's room leaving 2min alone. Seungmin was about to leave but he get pulled back onto the sofa. "Hyung!" He whined trying to get up but the grip on his wrist was too strong. "Seungmin let me talk to you." Minho said letting go of the younger boy. "Go on." Seungmin said, he crossed his arms ready to listen to what the elder had to say.

"I'm sorry." Minho started, "I realised that yelling at you without you knowing what you did is wrong. And the truth is you didn't do anything it was my emotions getting ahead of me." Minho said staring deeply into the younger boys eyes. Seungmin looked away, he felt like he was being captured by his eyes. Like he would do anything and everything the elder would ask.

"I know what I felt... and it was jealousy." Minho admitted. Seungmin looked at him with wide eyes. "Y-you was jealous?" Seungmin asked again, making sure he heard the elder correctly. When Minho nodded he felt his cheeks heat up. He was confused too, why would Minho be jealous of him and Changbin? Seungmin looked at the elder with big eyes. "I forgive you." Seungmin said and smiled, Minho also smiled and pulled the younger towards him.

He hugged the younger and kissed his head. "Your not annoying pup, I love when you want to talk and hang out with me. I will do anything with you puppy. I promise I will spend all the time I can with you." Minho said rubbing circles on the boys back. Seungmin was straddling Minho and he hid his face in Minho's neck. That night the two slept in the same bed again...

Thank you for reading!
Next chapter out soon! <3

Thank you for reading!Next chapter out soon! <3

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