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Love In Bloom/-/-/-/-/-/Chapter Thirteen

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Love In Bloom
Chapter Thirteen

Stray kids was sat in a interview. Luckily Minho and Seungmin was sat next to each other. Throughout the interview Seungmin seemed a little off. He wasn't talking that much and he kept moving his leg up and down. He looked over the Minho with a pout. Minho was focused on what his band members was saying so he didn't realise. Seungmin pouted even more. He saw that Minhos fingers was dancing on his knees so he decided to take the hand closest to him. Minho shot his head over at the boy. He looked at what the younger was doing and saw that he was playing with his fingers.

Minho laughed quietly and let him do it. They new that the camera could see wat they was doing but they didn't mind. They new that the divorced couple concept was finally over. That made them excited. They could do things with each other more freely now, and they could finally stop pretending to hate each other.

Throughout the rest of the interview Seungmin played with the elders shorter fingers. He felt more happy doing it. He didn't have a reason why he felt so uncomfortable earlier. He just wanted to touch his hyung because being next to him wasn't enough. It wasn't enough for either of them.

Thank you for reading!
Next chapter out soon! <3

/-/-/-/-/-/Thank you for reading!Next chapter out soon! <3

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