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Ice Cream /-/-/-/-/-/Chapter Twelve

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Ice Cream
Chapter Twelve

It was eight pm and Minho had taken Seungmin out for ice cream. At first he obviously said no. I mean, it was already really late. But Seungmin just wouldn't stop whining. Once Seungmin gave the elder puppy eyes he gave in and agreed. The two sat comfortably on a bench. Both in big coats since it was cold outside. They ate there ice cream in a comfortable silence.

After a while they had finished. Minho looked at Seungmin and saw that he had vanilla ice cream all over his mouth and some on his cheek. Seungmin had liked the ice cream of his lips but didn't realise there was any on his cheek. Minho took his thumb and wiped it off. He then sucked it off his thumb with a smile after seeing how red the younger boy was.

"H-hyung!" Seungmin yelled touching the side of his cheek Minho had touched. Minho laughed and made the boy stand up. "Come on, let's get home." He said holding onto the younger boys hand while walking to his car. Seungmin blushed but didn't say anything and let the elder lead him.

Thank you for reading!
Next chapter out soon! <3

/-/-/-/-/-/Thank you for reading!Next chapter out soon! <3

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