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Going Crazy /-/-/-/-/-/Chapter  Fifteen

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Going Crazy
Chapter  Fifteen

Minho was going crazy. He wanted to tell the Seungmin how he felt. How much he loved the younger and wanted to care for him. He wanted to be able to kiss the younger whenever he wanted, and for however long he wanted. He tried to give small hints to the younger. Big ones and small ones, but the younger didn't realise. Or he thought that he was being silly thinking that Minho would like him. Minho also got jealous too much. When he got jealous he would feel angry at the younger and whoever else. He couldn't help it, he wanted to make sure that only he could have Seungmin.

Thank you for reading!
Next chapter out soon! <3

/-/-/-/-/-/Thank you for reading!Next chapter out soon! <3

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