C h a p t e r S i x

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Attention /-/-/-/-/-/Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

All the members had just gotten home from the dance studio, they all had a shower then most of them went to bed. "Hyung!" Seungmin said knocking on the elders door, "what?" He asked from inside. Seungmin opened the door and walked inside not caring for his hyung who was yelling at him.
"Did I say you can come in?" Minho asked looking at the door from his bed. "No but you love me so it's fine." Seungmin said smiling innocently running to the elders bed and sitting next to him.

"Seungmin you've just sat on my arm!" Minho yelled, "then move over." Seungmin said rolling his eyes then getting himself comfortable on the bed. "Also, who said I loved you?" Minho asked turning to the younger boy next to him. "Uh... you" Seungmin said in an obvious tone, "when?" Minho asked smirking slightly, "shut up! I just know you do." Seungmin said turning his body to face Minho. He new the elder was just teasing him but Minho saying that he doesn't love him hurt him a lot.

"Do you want something?" Minho asked crossing his arms, "yes," Seungmin said smiling, Minho nodded slowly, "and that is..?" He asked, "your attention," Seungmin said smiling innocently, Minho blushed slightly. "What? Why mine? Why not the other members?" Minho asked, "because! They have already gave me attention today, your the only one who hasn't..." Seungmin pouted.

"You spent most of your time with Hannie..." Seungmin said, Minho just stared at the boy, he couldn't help but smile seeing the cute pout on the puppy like boys face. "What do you want me to do?" Minho finally said something. "Cuddle me." Seungmin said innocently, Minho widened his eyes and his ears turned a light shade of red.

"Please~ you don't have a problem cuddling with the others..." Seungmin said crossing his arms but Minho still didn't say anything. "Fine!" Seungmin yelled standing from the bed, he fell back onto it when Minho pulled his arm. "Lay down." Minho said looking away not wanting to make eye contact. Seungmin nodded and laid next to the elder boy.

Minho put his arm over the younger's stomach and turned him around so Seungmin was facing him. He put Seungmin's head in his neck and put his chin on his head. Seungmin was a blushing mess, he didn't know the elder would actually hug him like this, after a couple of seconds he rested into Minho's hold and closed his eyes.

"Hyung..." Seungmin asked and he got a hum in reply, "do you actually hate me?" He asked and Minho let out a chuckle, "what?" Minho asked, "you act like you hate me..." Seungmin's sadly mumbled. Minho stayed silent for a couple of seconds, 'does he really think I hate him? this stupid divorced couple concept.' Minho thought. "Hyung?" Seungmin asked, "o-oh sorry.." he said and then sighed.

"Of course I love you, I love all the members including you, if I made you think otherwise I'm sorry." Minho said surprisingly confident, Seungmin smiled, "I knew it!" He said happily, Minho laughed, "shut up." He said."Come on, it's bed time." Minho said and Seungmin nodded, "goodnight hyung," Seungmin said. "Goodnight pup, love you." Minho whispered. Seungmin had wide eyes, he quickly turned red and burred his head deeper into Minho's neck making the elder chuckle.

"Don't I get one back?" Minho asked teasingly, "l-love you..." Seungmin mumbled, "sorry? I can't hear you," Minho said and Seungmin hit his arm, "hey hey! I'm sorry," Minho said with a wide smile on his face. "Love you." Seungmin said slightly more clearly, Minho kissed the boy carefully on his head and Seungmin whined.  They finally feel asleep...

Thank you for reading!
Next chapter out soon!

/-/-/-/-/-/Thank you for reading!Next chapter out soon!

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