C h a p t e r E i g h t

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Wish /-/-/-/-/-/Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Seungmin had been out all day. Minho didn't have anything to do and wait for him. Minho didn't know where he had gone or who he was with and he really wished he did. Minho sat on the sofa alone for most the day. Hyunjin and Felix had been going out a lot together, every one new they liked each other but the two was to scared to admit they're feelings for one another.

Seungmin walked in the door. He looked happy but someone I in the dorm wasn't. "Hiya hyung!" Seungmin said smiling, he walked into the living room without getting a hi back. He knew Minho was there because he could literally see him sitting down. He looked annoyed, he had a slight frown on his face and was staring at the tv.

"Hyung~" Seungmin said again sitting next to the elder boy. "What?" Minho asked in a rude tone. Seungmin jumped back, he was confused why he used that tone of voice. "What's wrong hyung?" Seungmin asked, "nothing, I'm fine." Minho said without looking away from the tv. "But hyung-" "Seungmin I'm watching something!" Minho yelled. Seungmin bit his lip and is uncomfortably leaned back into the chair. "Sorry..." he mumbled crossing his arms. He was confused why the elder was acting in such a way.

Minho let out a heavy breath. "Where was you?" Minho asked finally looking at the younger boy. "I was with Changbin-hyung." Seungmin said quietly. He looked at Minho and saw that the boy looked angry. "Why?" Minho unknowingly asked. "What do you mean? He wanted to hang out." Seungmin answered, "why couldn't you hang out with me?" Minho asked. He had brought himself closer to the younger boy. They was inches away. "You always say no!" Seungmin yelled, he started to get annoyed with the elders boys attitude. "Well you could have asked me." Minho yelled back. Seungmin let out a laugh and shook his head.

"I didn't understand you hyung. You want me to ask you go hang out even though you will say no? I gave up asking you to do things with me, all you say is "no". Is it your favourite word or something? it's mean! Your mean! Why would I bother asking you to go out?" Seungmin said looking at the elder with his cute angry face.

Minho rolled his eyes. "How can you say "no" is my favourite word when all you say is "hyung"? "Hyung do this" "hyung do that" your the annoying one!" Minho yelled and Seungmin stood up. "What do you want me to call you? Lee? Minho?" Seungmin asked, "no, I'm trying to say is you always cling around me!" Minho yelled also standing up.

"Because your my hyung! My friend, my band mate. I'm supposed to spend time with you! Remember when I asked you to go to that baseball game? Well you upset me, you made me wanna cry! You made me feel sad! Whenever I ask you to do something with me you don't want to. Oh, but when it's with another member like Jisung you will go." Seungmin said as tears fell from his eyes.

He couldn't help but cry. He came home and got yelled at for no reason. He wanted to come home and spend time with Minho but the elder was angry at him. He didn't even know why. Minho just stared at the boy then looked away. "Why bring Jisung into this?" Minho asked, "because your always with him!" Seungmin yelled very loud this time, shocking the elder boy.

Not long after Seungmin ran to his room. Minho heard a loud slam and sighed. He sat down on the sofa and couldn't help but feel horrible. The younger didn't do anything wrong and he yelled at him for hanging out with Changbin. He thought about the day Seungmin asked him to go to the basketball game. He was there all alone because of him. That day Minho had hung out with Jisung. Seungmin was right, he did spend so much time with Jisung and the other members that he was too busy to hang out with the younger.

That night Seungmin and Minho didn't talk. They saw each other a few times but avoided one another. Seungmin had nothing to apologise for and Minho couldn't bring himself to talk to the younger boy. He wished he kept his mouth shut...

Thank you for reading!
Next chapter out soon! <3

/-/-/-/-/-/Thank you for reading!Next chapter out soon! <3

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