C h a p t e r T e n

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Closer/-/-/-/-/-/Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

It was third time getting home late. The members all went home at their normal time and Minho always stayed for longer. Seungmin didn't like it, and for two reasons. One being, when Minho got home he was too tired to stay up with Seungmin. And the second is that Minho always looked so tired. He had to wake up early and he went to bed late.

Minho got home and went straight to his room. Seungmin was sat in his room when he heard the door open. He rushed out of his room and saw Minho's door shut. He knocked on the door and there was no reply. He then heard the shower turn on. He decided to walk in and wait for his hyung to get out.

A while later Minho came out. He had his pyjamas on, he also had wet hair that he was about to dry. He stopped in his tracks seeing the younger boy looking at him with puppy eyes. He sighed and walked over to his desk, he put the plug of his hairdryer in the plug socket and started to dry his hair. Seungmin was kinda sad that the boy didn't say hello to him but he was happy that he hadn't got kicked out.

Once the elder had finished drying his hair he unplugged the hairdryer and put it away. He laid down next to Seungmin who was on his phone, he then put his arm around the younger boys waist and closed his eyes. Seungmin smiled while looking at the older boy. He combed his fingers through his hair then asked someone.

"Hyung, why do you come home so late?" Seungmin asked, Minho opened his eyes and looked into Seungmin's. "I have to practice." Minho said closing his eyes again. "We all do hyung. Your going to make yourself sick." Seungmin said with worry in his voice. "I'm fine pup." Minho said patting the boys waist. "Hyung... you are the best dancer out of all of us. Everyone knows that." Seungmin said, "please come home when everyone else does. You make me worry for you." Seungmin said blushing slightly. "Fine, for you." Minho said before falling asleep.

Seungmin brought himself closer. He looked at the elder sleeping and giggled, "love you." He whispered softly and Minho responded by bringing the younger boy closer. It made Seungmin blush. They was so close... too close. Seungmin wanted to kiss the elder. He wanted to be with him. But he didn't know if the elder felt the same...

Thank you for reading!
Next chapter out soon! <3

/-/-/-/-/-/Thank you for reading!Next chapter out soon! <3

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