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Can't You See Me/-/-/-/-/-/Chapter Four

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Can't You See Me
Chapter Four

Seungmin sat in the living room with Felix, they sat close to each other watching a movie on Netflix. Hyunjin was in the shower and Minho was sitting in his room.
Half an hour into the movie Felix and Hyunjin had to go with Jisung and Changbin on some sort of date, so that meant Seungmin and Minho was alone.

Seungmin was finishing the movie when Minho came out of his room. "Seungmo!" He said smiling, he sat next to the younger expecting attention. Seungmin was too into the movie to notice the elder. "Seungmin?" Minho asked the boy, Seungmin heard his but thought it would be fun to ignore him.

"Seungminie?" Minho asked again, Seungmin just looked at the screen in front of him. "Hey, don't ignore me!" Minho yelled pushing Seungmin slightly. "Hey!" Minho yelled moving in front to block the screen. He waved his hand in the younger boys face trying to get the attention he wanted. Seungmin smiled for a second but quickly went back to his normal face.

"Can't you see me!?" Minho yelled getting irritated, he moved back leaning on the sofa then smacking the younger on the head. "Ouch!" Seungmin yelled grabbing the back of his head, "why you ignoring me?" Minho asked in a very serious tone, "hyung it was a joke!" Seungmin whined, "that hurts!" Seungmin yelled hitting the elders leg.

"Yah! You deserved it, you was ignoring me." Minho said and Seungmin pouted, "you can't hit me!" Seungmin said, "oh? Why not?" Minho asked, "I'm younger!" Seungmin then said and Minho laughed. "Okay okay, shut it you whiny baby." Minho said which made him get hit again. "I'm not a baby!" Seungmin yelled crossing his arms. "You sure? Baby~" Minho teased, Seungmin huffed and walked to his room.


An hour Minho knocked on Seungmin's door. "Who is it?" Seungmin asked, "me!" Minho yelled expecting the younger to know his voice. "Go away hyung!" Seungmin yelled but Minho just walked in with a smile on his face. "Yah hyung! I said go away," Seungmin's said throwing a pillow at the elder, "why? Are you still upset?" Minho asked caching the pillow then sitting on the bed with the pillow still in his arms.

"You didn't apologise," Seungmin said crossing his arms. Minho didn't say anything, he moved next to the younger on the other side of the bed. "Hyungg!" Seungmin whined and Minho looked at him with a brow up, "what?" He asked. "Put something on the tv." Minho said grabbing the remote off of the younger.

"I can't if you take it off of me..." Seungmin mumbled, "what?" Minho asked, "what?" Seungmin asked innocently. Minho shook his head and rolled his eyes, he put a movie on and they both stayed in silence while watching it. Ten minutes later Seungmin stood up and walked out the room. Minho didn't say anything and carried on watching the movie.

Once Seungmin's came back he had a bowl of popcorn in his hand. He sat back down and placed it in between them.

The movie ended and Minho heard a soft snore, "Seungminie?" Minho asked looking at the younger, he stared at the boy for a while, he didn't know how long but he stopped as soon as he heard the front door open. He laid the boy down and covered him up, before he left he softly kissed the boys head trying not to wake him. "Goodnight baby," Minho mumbled and got an unexpected reply, "night night hyungie," Seungmin whispered but loud enough for Minho to hear.

Minho's eyes widened and he felt his ears become red, he walked over to the door and looked at the younger one last time before turning the light off and leaving the room.

Thank you for reading!
Next chapter out soon! <3

/-/-/-/-/-/Thank you for reading!Next chapter out soon! <3

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