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Adore U/-/-/-/-/-/Chapter Fourteen

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Adore U
Chapter Fourteen

Seungmin and Minho sat down after practising for so long. The other members where up and down. They sat on their phone before getting up and dancing again, or they grabbed a drink then started dancing. Seungmin and Minho liked to practice together, they also liked to sit down with each other.

Seungmin took his drink and saw that there was no water left. He whiled and sat next to Minho who had quite a lot left. "Hyung." Seungmin said as he rested his head on the elders shoulder. Minho replied with a hum, "can I have some of your water? Mines all gone." Seungmin asked with a small pout on his face. Minho agreed, no hesitation. He gave the bottle of water to Seungmin. Seungmin drank it forgetting that he shouldn't put his lips around it. "Ah hyung im sorry." Seungmin said giving the elder back his drink. "What for?" Minho asked, "my lips touched the top." Seungmin said, Minho shrugged his shoulders. "That's fine." He said and opened the water to take a sip of it. Seungmin blushed. That might as well had been the same as a kiss.

Thank you for reading!
Next chapter out soon! <3

/-/-/-/-/-/Thank you for reading!Next chapter out soon! <3

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