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Will You Go Out With Me/-/-/-/-/-/Chapter Sixteen

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Will You Go Out With Me
Chapter Sixteen

Seungmin hadn't realised the Minho was staring at him from the kitchen. He sat on the sofa, concentrated on his phone. Minho walked into the living room and then sat next to the younger boy. Seungmin looked up and smiled. He didn't say anything though, he just looked back at his phone. Seungmin felt that someone was staring at him. "Hyung?" He asked, the elder didn't take his eyes off the younger boy. "Hello?" Seungmin said, waving his hands in front of the elder boy.

Minho came back to his senses and blinked a few times. He hummed confused why the younger was waving his hand in front of him. "You're staring at me. Do you want something?" Seungmin asked tilting his head slightly. "Oh, no no, nothing." Minho said and smiled. Seungmin slowly nodded and went back to watching his phone.


Seungmin and Minho had the form to their selfies for the night. After Hyunjin and Felix started dating they went on many dates. This time they was staying at a hotel.

Seungmin was laying on his bed when he remembered that Minho was also in the house with him. He stood up and ran out of the room to find him. Seungmin couldn't find the elder anywhere. He couldn't find him in his room, in Hyunjin's and Felix's rooms, nowhere. He started to get worried after ten minutes of looking around. He called the elder boy but there was no answer. He stood up and grabbed his coat and put his shoes on. He felt the dorm forgetting his phone.

After a while Minho had got home. He had a bag with different snacks in, he placed them on the kitchen side. He called out for Seungmin but there was no answer. He looked around and couldn't find him. He began to feel worry. He picked his phone up and called him. His heart dropped once he heard a phone ringing in the living room. He walked quickly to the sofa and saw that Minho's phone was laying on it. He called Changbin and asked if he had seen him. Changbin said no and said that he wasn't with anyone else in the dorm. Minho was crazily worried.

Suddenly the door opened. He snapped his head to look at it and saw the younger boy. Seungmin's took his coat off and as he was taking his shoes off Minho had hugged him. Seungmin looked at the boy and smiled. "Hyung! Where did you go?" Seungmin asked with tears in his eyes. He was so scared incase he had lost his hyung. "Where did I go? Where did you go!?" Minho said slightly backing away from the boy. He was so worried that his puppy had got hurt.

"I-I went to look for you... I couldn't find you anywhere. I'm sorry hyung." Seungmin said playing with his fingers. Minho took his hands. "It's fine. I was at the shop. I should have told you before I left." Minho said and patted the younger boys head. Seungmin nodded and the two boys went into the living room and watched a movie. They ate the snacks Minho had brought from the shops.

After nearly two hours they decided it was time for bed. They was about to go to there rooms but Minho suddenly called his name. "Seungmo," he said and Seungmin looked back. "Yes hyung?" He asked, "come sleep with me?" Minho asked, Seungmin giggled and nodded. He followed the elder into the room and they both got to comfortable next to each other.

Minho sat on his phone with a lamp on next to him. Seungmin had his arm over Minhos upper body pretending to be asleep. Whenever the elder wasn't looking at him Seungmin would stare at the elder. He looked closely at his facial features. He smiled the longer he looked at him. Seungmin snuggled closer to the boy. Minho smiled and put his arm under Seungmin. "I know your not asleep." Minho said and Seungmin shot his eyes open. Minho looked at him with a smirk. Seungmin blushed and looked away. "How?" He asked, "I can see you looking at me silly." He said and chuckled.

There was silence for a while. The two stared at each other. They looked into each other's eyes finding them self captured in them. Minho tilted his head slightly and bought himself closer to the younger boy. "Hyung? What are you-" Seungmin got cut off with Minho's lips touching his. He laid in shock for a while before closing his eyes and kissing back. Seungmin felt Minho smile and that made him smile too. Minho was the one to back away. He needed to catch his breath before he said anything.

"Kim Seungmin." He stated smiling at the boy. Seungmin nodded. "Will you go out with me?" Minho asked. Minho felt as if he had lifted a weight off of his chest. Seungmin's heart was beating rapidly. He looked at his hyung with wide eyes before shyly smiling. "Of course." Seungmin said. Minhos heart also started beating rapidly. As soon as he heard the younger boys answer he moved closer to him. He placed his lips on the younger's again.

The two spent most of the night kissing and telling each other how much they loved one another. Minho was so happy that after four months of him trying to get with Seungmin he had succeeded.

Thank you for reading!

/-/-/-/-/-/Thank you for reading!

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