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Tear/-/-/-/-/-/Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Seungmin walked out of his room to see Minho and Hyunjin on the sofa, "hiya hyungs!" He said and walked over to the sofa, "hey minnie," Hyunjin said and Minho smiled at him. Seungmin sat next to Minho and laid down putting his legs over the elder, Minho didn't mind and carried on having a conversation with Hyunjin.

Not long after Hyunjin went to Felix's room and Minho also left leaving Seungmin alone. He stood up and went into the kitchen, he opened the cupboard and reached for a glass, as he got it he accidentally hit another one, it landed on the floor luckily not hitting Seungmin's feet but the sound of it smashed frightened the boy.

He screamed and put his hands over his ears, he stood in shock and then another one came down this time landing on his feet. He slowly looked down not ready to see the blood that was pouring out. His eyes were teary and he had his hands on both ears tightly, he groans and feel back onto the kitchen counter. He was unable to say anything. He was in too much pain.

Suddenly Minho came running out of his room into the kitchen. He saw the state the younger was in and put some shoes on then walked over to him. The boy kept his eyes shut tight and let sobs out. Minho picked the boy up and took him to the sofa, he laid him down and tried to calm the younger down while trying to get the glass out.

He held Seungmin's hand tightly and squeezed it whenever the boy groaned due to the pain. Once Minho cleaned him and got the glass out of his feet he went into the kitchen to clean the glass off of the floor.

Seungmin sat up from the chair wiping the tears from his eyes, "hyung?" Seungmin said looking at the serious faced Minho, "what was you doing Seungmin?" Minho asked crossing his arms still standing up. He had a kit in his hands and opened it getting out bandages. "I-I'm sorry... I accidentally hit a glass then another one feel because it was too close to the edge.." Seungmin said biting his lip, "I'm sorry for braking those glasses, I know they where new, I promise-" Minho shushed him by putting his hand over the younger's mouth.

"Don't apologise for the glass." Minho said taking his hand away then sitting next to the boy, once he had finished. "I-I" Seungmin didn't know what to say. "Are you okay? Are you still in pain?" Minho asked rubbing the younger's leg. "Yes I'm fine," Seungmin forced a smile, "don't lie, here I'll give you some medicine." Minho said standing up and walking into the kitchen, "no! I don't like medicine!" Seungmin whined, "it will make the pain go, now here." Minho said.

He pored the medicine onto a spoon and brought it to Seungmin's mouth, "open." Minho said, Seungmin blushed and looked away while crossing his arms. Minho groaned, "Seungmin listen to your hyung, open your mouth." Minho said with a cold tone, Seungmin shook his head and Minho had enough. He somehow forced the younger boy to open his mouth, Seungmin whiled but gave up fighting the elder and took the medicine.

He pulled a disgusted face and Minho laughed, "good puppy," Minho said patting Seungmin's head making him huff and blush, he leaned into the sofa with a pout on his face. Minho came back after washing the spoon and putting the medicine away. He sat next to the younger and smiled seeing the pout.

The two watched a random show on Netflix, Seungmin was laying down with his legs across the elder and Minho made circles on his knees. The two ended up falling asleep...

Thank you for reading!
Next chapter out soon! <3

/-/-/-/-/-/Thank you for reading!Next chapter out soon! <3

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