Character Bio

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Name: Zarathos

Nicknames: Zara, The Ghost Rider, Angel of Justice, and the Spirit of Vengeance.

Human Form:

Ghost Rider Form:

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Ghost Rider Form:

Ghost Rider Form:

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Superhuman Strength: Zarathos is incredibly strong, capable of exerting immense amounts of superhuman physical force, and has vast levels of superhuman strength when he so desires, the full extent of which remains unknown but said to be among the strongest of God's Angels and Lucifer's demons.

Superhuman Endurance: Zarathos is shown to be barely affected by injuries the pain of injuries that would have been extremely painful to an average human, including stabs and burns, and even gunshots.

Superhuman Reflexes: Zarathos possesses extraordinary superhuman reflexes. He is able to easily block, dodge, or deflect incoming damage from experienced Human fighters, Demons, and Angels.

Superhuman Dexterity: Zarathos possesses a superhumanly accurate aiming ability. He is able to throw his chain and shoot guns with deadly accuracy at his target. He can also control the amount of strength needed to only disable the target.

Immortality: Zarathos is immortal, billions of years old, immune to age, disease, and toxins, having lived since the beginning of creation. He has eternal youthful beauty and will live for all eternity without ever aging. He also cannot die of any natural cause. The only known things that can kill him are the Flaming Sword and weapons that are forged in heaven or hell.

Invulnerability: Zarathos has a highly durable body, which can withstand a vast amount of physical damage.

Accelerated Metabolism: While Zarathos can be affected by mind-altering substances, his tolerance for them is far higher than that of a Human. He's able to consume vast quantities of alcohol and drugs without negative effects. The effects also wear off much faster than with mortals, allowing him to sober up quickly after consumption has ended.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Zarathos heals much faster than humans do. He can heal any injuries within minutes to hours.

Spirit Alteration: The transformation from Zarathos's human form to his Ghost Rider form.

Empathic Detection: Zarathos's empath abilities allow him to detect and decipher the sinful from the righteous. Whether the character is in its spirit form or not, they are still able to detect an impure soul.

Spirit Communication: Zarathos can communicate with ghosts and spirits.

Celestial Communication: Zarathos can communicate with his Angelic siblings by praying to them.

Hellfire Chain: The weapon is linked to the Zarathos's mental abilities.

Hellfire Conjuration: Zarathos can summon and manipulate streams of Hellfire to whatever the situation might call for. The Spirit can form it into weapons, and projectiles, or use it for a shield.

Penance Stare: Zarathos's Penance Stare forces its victim to feel all the pain their sins have caused others, damning them for all eternity.

Lucifer is fed up with cosmic politics and rather delighted with human existence. After abandoning hell, he establishes himself in Los Angeles where he runs a nightclub and indulges himself. He decides to bring his trusty bounty hunter/ brother Zarathos with him. Now once again the Ghost Rider is back in the human world, in the city of Los Angeles, or what he and so many others like to call it, the City of Sin.

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