Chapter 7: The Would-Be Prince of Darkness

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Cut to a Los Angeles Hospital

Dan arrives in one of the hospital rooms with a female doctor waiting for him there.

Dan: Hello, I'm Detective Espinoza. I'm here to see the condition of the prisoner.

 I'm here to see the condition of the prisoner

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Dr.Rose: He has a name. As do I, I'm Dr.Rose.

Dan: Nice to meet you. As for the priso- I mean Josh, how is he doing? Did you find out what happened to him?

Dr.Rose: I'm gonna be honest with you Detective. We don't have a clue what could be wrong with him.

Dr.Rose and Dan walk over to Josh's bed to see him still unresponsive. As well as his eyes are still looking like burning charcoal.

Dan: What do you mean?

Dr.Rose: I mean we ran every test we could think of on him and they all come out as negative or unclear. It could be a new type of drug, a disease, a virus, a health condition, heck it could be an allergic reaction as far we know. We should be glad that it doesn't look like it's contagious.

Dan: So nobody knows what this could be? Or what could have caused something like this?

Dr.Rose: Well as far as a scientific standpoint we don't know. but...

Dan: But? Dr.Rose if you know something that can help the case you have to tell me.

Dr.Rose: Detective are you a superstitious person?

Dan: I'm sorry what?

Dr.Rose: Do you believe in myths or ghost stories?

Dan: I'm not really following, what does this gotta do with the case?

Dr.Rose: There is a story I heard from my grandmother, about eyes like burning charcoal just like Josh, they call them the "eyes of the damned". It pretty much goes like this, there was a man who saw the sin and evil in people's hearts, and it drove him mad. He went out and hunted the guilty who deserve to go to hell. His eyes were pitch black so they can reflect the sins of the damn back to them. Making them suffer like they made their victims suffer. They say he has been around for centuries, roaming the earth looking for the guilty.

Dan just scoffs at Dr. Rose's story.

Dan: I'm sorry Dr.Rose, but are you telling me I'm looking for the devil? because I met a guy with a similar name and let me tell you he's kinda a dick.

Dr.Rose: Not the devil. His bounty hunter, The Ghost Rider.

Dan: (laughs) The Ghost Rider? Sounds like a comic book character.

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