Chapter 1: Pilot

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(Lucifer is driving his classic Camero fast through the streets of LA at night with the music blaring. A police officer pulls him over.)

Officer: (Walking up to the car

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Officer: (Walking up to the car.) Hey, cut the music.

Lucifer: (chuckling) I'm sorry.

(music volume decreases)

Officer: You know why I pulled you over?

Lucifer: Well, obviously, you felt the need to exercise your limited powers and punish me for ignoring the speed limit. It's okay. I understand. My brother and I like to punish people, too. Or at least we used to.

Officer: License and registration.

Lucifer: (sighs) Coming right up.

Lucifer tries to hand the officer some money.

Officer: Are you trying to bribe me, sir?

Lucifer: Yes, of course. Is that not enough? Take more. It's only money.

Officer: It's against the law, sir.

Lucifer: (chuckles) You people are funny about your laws, aren't you? You break the law sometimes, don't you?

Lucifer uses his Desire Exhibition on the officer.

Officer: Sometimes... I put my siren on and drive really fast for no reason at all, just 'cause I can.

Lucifer: Right? And why wouldn't you? It's fun. It feels good to get away with something, doesn't it?

Officer: Yeah.

Lucifer: Uh, it's okay, Officer. People like to tell me things, those deep, dark, naughty little desires that are on their mind. It's a gift. Must be something about this face. You're tempted to keep that, aren't you? (Officer nodds) Well, what are you waiting for, permission? Go on, take it, buy yourself something pretty. You deserve it. But if you don't mind, I really must be on my way.

Officer: Oh, yeah, of course. Hey, have a nice evening.

Lucifer: You, too, Officer. You, too.

(music volume increases)

 Cut to the Exterior of LUX

Valet: Hey, boss.

( Lucifer tosses his keys to the valet and walks inside.)

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