Chapter 8: The Would-Be Prince of Darkness

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Cut to inside LUX.

Lucifer and Zarathos sigh deeply as they come downstairs towards the bar. Maze is on the phone.

Lucifer: Line up some shots, Maze.

Zarathos: Make them doubles, it's been that kind of day.

Maze holds up a finger to quiet Zarathos and Lucifer as she continues on a phone call.

Lucifer: (grunts) Oh, hell, I may just take a bottle. Do you want one Zara?

Zarathos: (Irritated) I'll get mine own.

Lucifer: Are you still in a bad mood?

Zarathos: Noooo, why would I be?

Lucifer: How on earth should I know?

Zarathos: Well clearly you know everything since you are the king of Hell.

Lucifer: Is that what this is about? Zara the only reason I said that was beca-

Zarathos: Save it, I don't want to hear it.

Maze gets off the phone.

Maze: Thank you. That was the LAPD.

Lucifer: Ah, was Detective Decker calling to apologize? Unless it involves lingerie, I don't accept.

Zarathos: I will accept a regular apology.

Maze: Financial Investigations Unit.

Lucifer: Hmm?

Zarathos: Damn it! What did they know about us? Do they know about the ancient gold we sold to get modern time money?

Maze: Calm down, we are still in the clear, But Lucifer on the other hand.

Lucifer: What does the FIU want from me now?

Maze: Apparently, you destroyed the honeymoon suite at the Budget Hut in Tarzana last night.

Lucifer: I'd rather return to the fires of Hell than spend a night in Tarzana.

Maze: And then, someone with your name and credit card skipped out on a $2,000 tab... at Zany Wings. (laughs)

Zarathos: (laughs) Zany wings? Brother, I didn't know you liked them.

Lucifer: Do I look like I'd eat a Zany Wing? Someone is clearly masquerading as me! Rap battles and hot wings? The two of you need to find this cheap knockoff and make him suffer... do you understand?

Maze: Why? You said it yourself... humans are fascinating, right?

Zarathos: (chuckles) She got you there Luci. Plus I'm more focused on Ty's case than some imposter.

 Plus I'm more focused on Ty's case than some imposter

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