Shorts Storys #1

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A Few Centuries ago, during the Medieval times.

Lucifer was walking through a forest late at night

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Lucifer was walking through a forest late at night. He was wearing a red Gambeson armor with white accents. He was searching for his brother, who has been missing for a few days.

Lucifer: (yells) Zara! Where on earth are you?!

From a nearby cave.

Zarathos: (from a distance) I'm over here!

Lucifer goes to walk toward his brother's voice and enters the cave. As he goes deeper into the cave, he notices a bright light around the corner. As he gets closer to the light, he sees his brother hanging upside down with a rope attached to his legs. Zarathos was in the middle of a ring of fire. He wore a full set of black Kasten-brust armor with a red skull as the crest.

Lucifer: (laughs) Well, well, well brother. How's it hanging? You know besides yourself.

Zarathos: (annoyed) Wow. That's so funny, that I forgot to laugh.

Lucifer: Yes humor has always been one of my strong points.

Zarathos: Just get me down from here! And be careful not to step inside the circle. It's holy oil.

Lucifer got as close as he could to the fire.

Lucifer: How on earth did you get yourself into this situation?

Zarathos: (sighs) I don't want to talk about it.

Lucifer: Very well then, wait here while I get a painter. I want to remember this day for centuries. (chuckles) I do wish that someone would invent something to make portraits easier.

Zarathos begins to struggle and swigs back and forth.

Zarathos: I swear on our Father's name if you leave me here like this. I'm gonna burn down your castle!

Lucifer: Then tell me how you got yourself hanging like a cow ready to be carved.

Zarathos mumbles something that his brother couldn't hear.

Lucifer: What was that? You need to speak up Zara.

Zarathos: (yells) I said it was a hunter! He couldn't find a way to kill me so he found a way to trap me instead.

Lucifer: (chuckles) Are you saying that you were captured by a human?

Zarathos looks away in embarrassment.

Zarathos: S-Shut up! He caught me off guard!

Lucifer: (laughs) This is too good. I can't wait to tell Mazikeen about this.

Zarathos: Don't you dare! Just get me down from here already.

Lucifer: Why don't you just burn the rope?

Zarathos: (sarcastic) Oh burn the rope? Why didn't I think of that? Oh wait, I did! The hunter enchanted the rope with something. It isn't letting me use any of my abilities. I could barely send you a message.

Lucifer: This chap sounds like he knew what he was doing. He must have been a pretty skilled hunter if he knew about holy oil. And to actually have some, now that isn't something you see every day. Did he say what his name was?

Zarathos: Sam... Sam... Sam something. I don't really remember.

Lucifer: You don't remember the bloke who managed to trap you?

Zarathos: I mean, he just kept talking on and on about "I finally got you", "The world won't have to fear you anymore", and "The era of the Ghost Rider is over", bla bla bla. I doze off for most of it.

Lucifer: Now that is interesting, where is he now?

Zarathos: No clue. He just walk out of the cave and disappeared. I guess he thought I'll be trapped here forever.

Lucifer: Well he was almost right. This cave is almost impossible to find. It took me days of searching to just find this forest. I honestly just got lucky that I heard you when I did.

Zarathos: Yes, yes. As fun as this is. Do you know what will make this even better?

Lucifer: No. What did you have in mind?

Zarathos: (angry) Getting me the hell down from here!

Lucifer: Alright alright. My goodness, who hanged you upside down in a cave?

Zarathos: Lucifer!

Lucifer: Fine. Let me go get some holy water to put this fire out.

Zarathos: Thank you.

Lucifer begins to leave the cave but stops for a moment.

Lucifer: But first, I'm gonna get a few painters to capture this moment. (chuckles)

Lucifer quickly walks away, but he still was able to hear his brother yelling at him.

Zarathos: Lucifer! I swear on our Mother, I'm gonna beat you to a bloody pulp if you bring anyone else here! Do you hear me?! A BLOODY PULP!

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