Chapter 14: Sweet Kicks

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Cut to inside Paddock bar

Man: Here comes that bitch Decker

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Man: Here comes that bitch Decker.

Man 2: Who the hell are those guys?

Zarathos, Lucifer, and Chloe sit at the bar.

Lucifer: (to the man already sitting at the bar next to him) It's Italian wool. Touch it. I know you want to. Go on. Yeah. (after a moment) That'll do. (clears throat, turns to Chloe on his other side) Well, somebody's not being crowned homecoming queen, are they?

Chloe: Yeah. Order. Please.

Lucifer: Right. (raises voice to bartender) Uh, three shots of your finest swill, please, love.

Zarathos: Actually, I'll take a whiskey on the rocks. Oh and can I get a double cheeseburger with fries.

Bartender: You got it.

Chloe: (to bartender) I'll have a water. (to Lucifer) So, about this whole favor thing. What... what is it? What are you, some kind of loan shark? Con man? Godfather with a twist?

Lucifer: But surely you've heard the expression...

Chloe: "Deal with the Devil"?

Zarathos: Funny story about that, I accidentally started that expression when I was drunk one day and somehow it caught on after all these centuries.

Chloe: Ok, now you're just messing with me.

The bartender comes with their drinks and food.

Lucifer: He's really not, it was a whole thing back then. But nowadays people come to me to ask for favors, and more often than not, I'm happy to oblige.

Chloe: What do you get?

Lucifer: Well, sometimes, I have something in mind, but, usually, like with Benny, it's simply to be repaid at a later date. A devilish IOU, if you will.

Chloe: Who would take a deal like that?

Lucifer: They all do.

Zarathos: It's like credit card debt. People don't really think about the future, they just want the money now.

Chloe: That weirdy makes sense.

Chloe: That weirdy makes sense

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