Chapter 3: Pilot

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Cut to sitting outside Dr. Linda's office

Lucifer: Was your offspring planned or a mistake?

Chloe: Planned, sort of.

Lucifer: Really? 'Cause I've never understood the human desire to procreate.

Chloe: That's probably a good thing.

Zarathos: Oh trust me blondie it is. I don't think anyone wants to see a bunch of little devils running around.

Lucifer: I mean, children are hideous little creatures, terrible, taxing burdens.

Chloe: Mmm. Mmm.

Zarathos: That's not really helpful Luci.

Lucifer: Oh, um, yours is fine. I mean, you know, nothing to crow about, but nothing to be too embarrassed about, either, so that's quite good, isn't it?

Chloe: Are you at all aware of how dickish you sound? At least your brother has some sort of manners.

Zarathos: Thank you I think?

Lucifer: No. Speaking of dicks... why was that ex-husband of yours pressuring you to close the case?

Chloe: No reason.

Lucifer: Strange.

Zarathos: Very strange.

Chloe: Yes, you are. The both of you.

Lucifer: Did our father send you?

Lucifer: Did our father send you?

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(Dr. Linda opens her door.)

Dr. Linda: Okay, Detectives, I'll see you now.

Chloe: Thank you.

Lucifer: Oh did you hear that Zara, we're "Detectives" now.

Lucifer: Oh did you hear that Zara, we're "Detectives" now

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Zarathos: Awesome

 Cut to inside Dr. Lnda's Office

 Lnda's Office

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