Chapter 5: Lucifer, Stay. Good Devil.

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Cut to the next morning at Lucifer's penthouse

(Lucifer gets out of bed where there is a sleeping man and woman, goes into the main room, and takes an apple out of a bowl sitting on a grand piano.)


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Lucifer: (Speaking to apple) Hello, old friend. (Lucifer tosses an apple in the air, time slows, and Lucifer sighs) Bloody hell.

Amenadiel: Brother, I'm disappointed in you.

Lucifer: What? It's called a devil's threesome for a reason.

Lucifer then sees Zarathos sitting on his couch.

Lucifer: And what on earth are you doing up here Zara?

Zarathos: (Points to Amenadiel) He drag me up here to "talk".

Amenadiel: You were once the brightest of all of God's angels, Lucifer. And now, look at you. Look at what you have done to Zarathos, He was the Angel of Justice. But now his nothing more than a Monster.

Zarathos: Said Monster is still right here dick.

Lucifer: Look, if you've come to lecture us, can you just save it for later? I'm annoyingly sober right now, and it takes ages to pour a drink when you're around.

Amenadiel: Actually, I'm here with an offer for both of you.

Lucifer: Really?

Zarathos: What is it?

Amenadiel: Go back to Hell, Lucifer, Zarathos, and I will speak to Father.

Zarathos:(laughs) Yeah right, that's gonna happen.

Lucifer: You're scared, aren't you? That if we don't go back to Hell, you're gonna have to take over.

Amenadiel: Oh, that would never happen.

Amenadiel: Oh, that would never happen

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